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Are you a Hoarder or a User?

JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
Aside of magic ammunition, I rarely use potions, wands, scrolls, etc. and know it would dumb things down considerably using them. I use the chest just inside the Friendly Arm Inn to hoard these items, thinking I'll use them on more difficult encounters, but I haven't found any that I've needed to back out of and return to the chest for yet. That said, I haven't reached the final encounter yet and remember cheeseing out on the one time I beat it chain casting a wand of summoning and wand of fire. I'm playing through again with the Sword Coast expansion this time and have advanced through most of the game, aside of finishing Durleg's(?) Tower and some of the city quests. I hear the last encounter is significantly tougher with the expansion. I'm hoping to beat it going full party on full party with standard buffs, but is this wishful thinking?


  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    For instance, if you plan on resting more than once in dungeons , then you're more likely to not use your magical stuff.

    I usually challenge myself to complete the quest without resting at all, which forces you to try out some tactics which may include using potions and wands, and it makes me feel it's less cheesy, since I'm just trying to survive . =D
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    I'm mostly a hoarder. I don't mind using them, but if it's not necessary, I don't. I save them for near death really hard fights... and when I find one, I use it all up without regret.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    hoarder and i use the exact same chest :)
  • PhælinPhælin Member Posts: 316
    Hoarder here, but it would piss me off to backtrack to some remote place with a chest just so I could take 5 potions of win-battle. I usually keep a considerable amount of potions and wands in the inventory, rarely use them though. What's up with that? Stupid me.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    edited October 2012
    Hoard like hell and never use those items. Usually I just end up selling them as I know I'll never use them.

    I stash in a couple of places, the same chest as you and a chest in Nashkel in the inn. Nearer end game I'll pick a place in BG itself to stash, usually for some reason the chest behind Black Lilly (where the tome can be found).

    My current solo run actually has me using items a bit more - especially in BG1. In BG2 now I have 'acquired' both rings of Gaxx I rarely need to use many items other than wands.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Hoarder - I never use the good arrow/potions/wands because I always say to myself I will keep them to when I really need them.. ending the game with full inventory
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    I'm DEFINITELY a hoarder. I tend to only use 5% of all of the available potions, most of them being healing potions and potions for curing poison infections. I rarely use wands either, as I value having them too much. Instead, I let my party rest A LOT for memorizing spells. Also, if having over 700 potatoes, 500 cabbages and about as many tomatoes stored in my inventory in Skyrim doesn't mean I'm an obsessed hoarder, I don't know what is. XD
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Definitely a hoarder. I don't even use a chest but carry everything around in a bag of holding, and like many others end up waiting for a really rainy day that usually never comes. For final encounters I tend to use potions and scrolls, but rarely wands and never tactics that involve dropping aoe out of LoS/behind closed doors, summoned monster-zerging or stuff like that.
  • creator1629creator1629 Member Posts: 66
    oh a hoarder for sure. though my biggest problem by far is quest items that dont disappear/get taken away after the quest is done. they are the things that take up a lot of my inventory space, i dont know why but i am reluctant to throw them away or leave them behind
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2012
    I'm a seller. I sell a lot of things. Even junk I found on some strange island. Hey, I've got a butter knife here that belonged to Balduran himself. An exceptionally rare and well crafted item now yours for only 1250 gold. Anyone interested?

  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    Used to be a hoarder, grew to be a potion (ab)user. ;P
    Seriously, all those defense and attack bonuses are too good to pass up. If nothing else, a potion of absorption is a must when fighting monks! (+10 Bonus AC to crushing attacks, and a quivering palm merely tickles XD)
    And potion of fire resistance is always handy when fighting red dragons or disarming fire traps.
  • CuanCuan Member Posts: 38
    I am a user. My friend is a hoarder and he says using the items is cheesey yet he rests about 5 times a map... the irony.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    I used to hoard, kind of having the same mindset. Then I realized I never actually used any items. I'd just collect them and they'd collect dust.

    So I started using them til they ran dry, and oh boy how much easier this game became.
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    I am a massive hoarder. Of everything. I normally have an entire NPC inventory dedicated to carrying potions, and that's after filling any available potion containers.
  • MetaSiegMetaSieg Member Posts: 26
    Hoarder, but I'm slowly working my way out of that mindset.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    I'm definitely hoarding my stuff. For the most part I can't force myself to use items that have limited charges, because I always think there will be some encounter later in game literally REQUIRING me to use those, so unless I can't survive the encounter I don't use any items. Only items that really see some regular use in my party are the healing potions.

    Of course it's wrong to play like that all the time and I only managed to survive certain encounters (Amellyssan, Aec' Latec) by using a lot of consumables. But simply seeing the amount of stuff that I can hoard makes me feel good, it is so difficult to part with every single charge of a wand or a magic item :( Every time I use up all charges on an item (or use up an expensive, powerful potion) it feels like I made a lot of wrong decissions earlier on and the item could have lasted a lot longer.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I used to hoard them. Now I use them. In fact, I use them almost immediately.

    On the other hand, this has also made me a bit more reckless with my party, because I know I'll be able to heal up after each fight. But that's kind of realistic, isn't it?
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    i'm a seller with slight hoarding traits...i sell 98% of stuff, but like having, on hand, extra wands of fire & a handful of strength potions...
    i stash stuff in the shelves in the kitchen at the Friendly Arm, the chest in the inn in Nashkel, & the barrel just in front of the Elf Song
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I'm CaptRory. And I am a Hoarder. Potions, Wands Magic Ammo. Nothing gets used. XD

    At the end of Icewind Dale, in the LAST FIGHT, I thought to myself, "Better not use it. I might need it later." Then I realized what I was saying and snapped out of it and went nuts with all the crud in my inventory.
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    I hoard or sell wands. I use potions for hard fights (mostly in BG1) - in BG2 I rarely use potions because you can achieve lots of the same things with spells.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    DJKajuru said:

    For instance, if you plan on resting more than once in dungeons , then you're more likely to not use your magical stuff.

    I usually challenge myself to complete the quest without resting at all, which forces you to try out some tactics which may include using potions and wands, and it makes me feel it's less cheesy, since I'm just trying to survive . =D

    I do this myself, but mostly subconsciously. I'm thinking... Why in bhaal's name would I sleep a nigh in a dangerous dungeon? No, I'd use my hocus pocus, get the loot, then get the hell out.
    I also have a habit of exhausting all spells before resting; resting is usually a last resort.
    it does make it more challenging.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I used to not know that you can recharge wands by selling them to a merchant before they run out of charges, and then buying them back - they will have full charges.

    After I learned about that, I started using wands a bit more freely, at least after I had a strong cash savings built up.

    It's harder to manage wands in vanilla BG1, because it doesn't give you the little number icon in the use item button to show you how many charges you have left. Playing BG1 in the BG2 engine will solve that problem automatically.

    In BG1, the stronger potion types are a little hard to find in huge supply, so I usually wind up saving all potions (except heals and antidotes), and green scrolls for the battle with Sarevok. I carried the same mindset with me into BG2, but I noticed potions really start to build up in my potion bag of holding that I was never using, so I might try to adjust that attitude a bit.

  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I don't know about you folks, but not using potions and wands when you got them is like standing on top of a hill for Chistmas eve with half a metric ton of Fireworks and saying "You know what... I like them the way they are..." XD
  • HawkshadowHawkshadow Member Posts: 5
    Definately a pack-rat, though some of the more difficult encounters I will reluctantly use potions of giant strength, wand of summoning and healing potions to get through.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Usual hoarder. User at the low level challenge.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    I do a thing in bg2 where I try to get one sample of each gem in the game....then I can look at me pretties in the pale moon light...
  • DeathMachineMiyagiDeathMachineMiyagi Member Posts: 120
    Hoarder. The first time I played BG I remember using so many potions in the last battle that my character's image was pretty much completely covered with little images representing status effects. Kept waiting for the moment when they would be most useful, and if the Last Battle doesn't count, what else would I use them on?
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited October 2012
    Hoarder! I hate using potions because I always think I need to save them. I also don't like selling magical items as money is way to easy to come by in these games.
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