Druid Kits - Shapeshifter

The general consencus in BG2 was that shapeshifters are useless, here is why:
"Shapeshifters got the shaft even harder than typical druids. Firstly, the werewolf forms you can change into are not equivalent of other werewolves in the game. Regular werewolves are supposed to have +20% magic resistance (not magic resistance locked at 20%), immunity to normal weapons (as opposed to gaining no benefits at all) and werewolf pays are supposed to 1d12 damage as opposed to 1d6. Greater werewolves should recieve a Thac0 of 6 (you recieve no benefit), saves of 1/1/1/2/1 (again, you recieve nothing), base elemental resistance set to 50% (instead of base elemental resistance locked at 50%), base magic resistance of +40% (instead of locked at 40%), immunity to normal weapons (you get nothing), the paw should do 2d8 slashing damage as a +3 weapon (instead of 1d6 piercing damage as a +2 weapon), and regeneration of 3 HP per second. Half the reasons you'd want to be a werewolf are removed. While the downside of not having other forms to shapeshift into is not significant, completely being without armor is a huge detractor."
Making all of those changes would make the class overpowered especially in BG1 setting; however the class quickly becomes useless with a few levels and some better gear.
I would like to know if this issue is being fixed/worked on. It could be easily amended if the bonuses described above (or similar bonuses) were given to the player over time with levels (example: +5% magic resistance while in werewolf form every 4 levels). Thanks in advance.
"Shapeshifters got the shaft even harder than typical druids. Firstly, the werewolf forms you can change into are not equivalent of other werewolves in the game. Regular werewolves are supposed to have +20% magic resistance (not magic resistance locked at 20%), immunity to normal weapons (as opposed to gaining no benefits at all) and werewolf pays are supposed to 1d12 damage as opposed to 1d6. Greater werewolves should recieve a Thac0 of 6 (you recieve no benefit), saves of 1/1/1/2/1 (again, you recieve nothing), base elemental resistance set to 50% (instead of base elemental resistance locked at 50%), base magic resistance of +40% (instead of locked at 40%), immunity to normal weapons (you get nothing), the paw should do 2d8 slashing damage as a +3 weapon (instead of 1d6 piercing damage as a +2 weapon), and regeneration of 3 HP per second. Half the reasons you'd want to be a werewolf are removed. While the downside of not having other forms to shapeshift into is not significant, completely being without armor is a huge detractor."
Making all of those changes would make the class overpowered especially in BG1 setting; however the class quickly becomes useless with a few levels and some better gear.
I would like to know if this issue is being fixed/worked on. It could be easily amended if the bonuses described above (or similar bonuses) were given to the player over time with levels (example: +5% magic resistance while in werewolf form every 4 levels). Thanks in advance.
The short answer is, they're not fixing it.
The long answer is, they're nerfing the druid kits for BG:EE, yada, yada, yada, they're not going to solve the problem completely until BG2:EE.