NPC Starting Experience?

I realized after playing SoD, any NPC I would recruit in BG2EE started at 500k exp. Then after messing around a bit and getting to ~1.2M exp, I went and recruited Neera. She started at 1M exp.
I've read about these kind of thresholds in BG1, where the first time you interact with an NPC, the game checks your experience and determines the NPC's starting experience based on a set of thresholds. E.g. average party exp of 100k or more? Start at 100k. 200k or more? Start at 200k. And so on.
These thresholds were decently documented in BG1 but I can't seem to find any similar info on the BG2 NPCs.
The Neera issue gave me an idea for a power game-y (or cheesy) run, where I solo things up until 1M+ exp and only then recruit a couple of NPCs. Wondering if the other NPCs scale the same way as Neera.
Anyone got any info on this?
I've read about these kind of thresholds in BG1, where the first time you interact with an NPC, the game checks your experience and determines the NPC's starting experience based on a set of thresholds. E.g. average party exp of 100k or more? Start at 100k. 200k or more? Start at 200k. And so on.
These thresholds were decently documented in BG1 but I can't seem to find any similar info on the BG2 NPCs.
The Neera issue gave me an idea for a power game-y (or cheesy) run, where I solo things up until 1M+ exp and only then recruit a couple of NPCs. Wondering if the other NPCs scale the same way as Neera.
Anyone got any info on this?
Yesterday for example, I started a multi C/T run and I recruited Dorn, he had ~400k exp and was level 9 while I had much less (about 230k) which made me 8/9 as a C/T.
The new EE NPCs starting level depends on your PC's total XP, with higher level versions spawning every several hundred thousand XP you earn. I've never bothered to learn the exact thresholds though.