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Silent Hill: Revelation Movie

GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
edited October 2012 in Off-Topic
I was curious to see if i was the only pessimist who thinks this 3rd film will be nothing more than the usual trash like the 1st 2 movies in the series were or if this one might finally be a worthy film based on that beloved and disturbing franchise. I feel it's going to be a typical hollywood holloween cash grab but there's hope that this might finally be a worthy Silent Hill movie. I understand it's difficult to base an opinion on a few seconds of movie trailer but still curious about what SH fans think. Coulda done a poll but i think the general community is sick of polls lol(plus i've no idea how to make one anyways).


  • AlexMAlexM Member Posts: 110
    Revelation is the second movie. I actually kind of enjoyed the first movie, but towards the end it got a bit ridiculous and nothing like the games it was based on. It's a beautiful movie and got lots of the atmosphere from the games correct (even had the same camera angles at one point).

    For the second movie, it looks like they're taking the Resident Evil approach: Take elements from the games and throw them into a whole new story. Probably wont watch this until it's free on TV.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    edited October 2012
    I completely agree with you @AlexM I liked the film but the questions raised by the plot were all solved in the most disappointingly unimaginative way (a huge dose of the supernatural) by the end.
    A couple of other films that grate in my memory for doing this: The Last Exorcism & White noise. Both of which have endings solved in over the top supernatural ways but to opposite extremes; the former destroys the assumptions made by the protagonist and thereby the integrity of the whole film, the latter conforms to the assumptions of the protagonist thereby making it inanely boring.
  • theJoshFrosttheJoshFrost Member Posts: 171
    I'm a Silent Hill fanboy, and the movie makes me cringe in horror. Not because it's scary, but because it has no idea of what makes Silent Hill fascinating or why it works. They just made it a gore fest.

    Though, the movie did LOOK really good. Whoever did the visuals for the movie should be kept, while every body else gets the boot.

    This being said, because I'm an idiot I'm going to see the next one. And probably hang myself afterwards. I can already tell I'm going to be at least irritated by it, because judging from the trailers they've turned Heather into a screaming, scared, whiny little girl. Heather was anything but that in SH3.
  • HoebaggerHoebagger Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2012
    I absolutely loved that they mimicked the opening scenes of the first game so well with the first movie. That whole opening scene was such a wonderful recreation it was just great. Perhaps it wasn't the opening scene, it's the one where
    she's entering the town and walking around with a small flame then things all fall apart and she runs off past the chain link fences
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    How much movies of Silent Hill exist? i only watched one.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    It's got SEAN BEAN in it. How can it be bad?

    Ok the first one did... and it was bad. I likely won't see the second one... but man, they dropped the ball on this franchise. It could have been awesome.

    The rape with barbed wire scene in the first one kind of lost me... I'll be honest

  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498

    It's got SEAN BEAN in it. How can it be bad?

    He was only in it a tiny bit and didn't have Harper to help him.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    Yes there was just 1 movie, that was a booboo on my part.....i blame it on my visit to silent hill doing things to my brain hehe.

    @thejoshfrost --that was exactly my beef as well. I found the games....disturbing and spooky, that was the appeal to me since i don't scare easily if at all in RL. I could tell you some stories of my visit to Niagara Falls'(many yrs ago so this thing may not even be there anymore) spook house and that poor sod in a gorilla suit lol. But anyways give me something unusual or disturbing and you've got me hooked. I remember being totally creeped out playing the 1st game with the lights off.......didn't sleep well that night lol. I think i played the 2nd and 3rd games but for the life of me i can't remember them. I may just go out and try to find a cheap copy of the 1st game and play it again.

    I also like Sean Bean...and he didn't die in this one either!
  • HowieHowie Member Posts: 136
    My comment: Sean Bean's gonna die again.
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