Rough World (beta)

In essence, the mod intends to change the tone of the games reputation system, add a bit of difficulty, and make the world feel not quite as forgiving.
The concept behind this mod is to make the world a rougher place. Low reputation characters are considered to be absolutely horrid human beings - so there is a very low expectation that they will assist anyone. When they do it is regarded as being an exceptional act. As a result low reputation characters now have a lower bar to donating to increase their reputation than higher reputation characters. Merchants are also actually now inclined to give them a discount - if only to ensure they themselves are not hurt.
Likewise, because the world is such a dark and unforgiving place characters that have higher reputation amounts are seen in a much more positive light. People are more willing to forgive them should they make a mistake (such as killing a civilian).
It also includes some of the components I've been working on for my upcoming Eve of War mod. This includes a component that significantly changes how chapter 7 is handled in the game. You can find more details on this below.
The mod also has other components that increase the games difficulty.
Installation order: It should probably be installed after any quest or romance mods but before any other tweak mods. However, I could be wrong here so please feel free to report any issues you have with this working with other mods so we can determine the best time to install this.
Scaled Spawning should be installed before you install Fixed Insane Difficulty
This mod has 9 components:
Scaled Spawning (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Scaled spawning adds new creatures (including creatures that you would otherwise not encounter in BG1) along the main (critical) path of the game. This is in part based on your difficulty level. This also does not change the AI for these creatures (so if you want a challenge there you might want to look into something like SCS). These are all just one-time encounters (they won't respawn).
Sparse Resting (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Sparse Resting changes the probability of successfully resting in some areas based on your difficulty setting. In some cases it may now be extremely difficult to successfully rest. It will also open up the option to rest in other areas (that previously blocked resting).
Chapter 7 Hardcore Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
The chapter 7 hardcore component does three things
1. It makes it so that when you hit chapter 7 you lose access to all areas within the City of Baldur's Gate (as well as the farm area). The only way to access the city (and to leave as well) is to pay a smuggler to bring you into and out of the city. The smuggler can be found near the bridge in the bridge area.
2. It makes it so that your movement within the city is very limited. You are only able to move one area at a time - even if you have previously explored a section of the city.
3. It adds Flaming Fist patrols to the streets
These restrictions will end at the end of Sarevok's coronation ceremony.
Improved Beggars Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Beggars now have flies flying overtop of their heads. Extremely low reputation parties can give them a donation and (provided they acted respectfully when doing so) can get a small reputation increase.
New Reputation Names Component
This component renames the description you get for your given level of reputation to one of the following
Reputation Rebalanced Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
This changes reputation in a couple of ways
- Higher and lower reputation characters get better prices in stores. A character with around 10 reputation for instance would pay more for a good than one with 1 or 20.
- Starting reputation only varies between 9 and 11 now (depending upon your starting alignment).
- A low reputation character killing someone in law enforcement is now unlikely to cause further reputation losses. Killing civilians however will.
- The reaction modifier for players with higher reputation is improved. Players with 20 reputation now will get +7 to reaction instead of +4. This essentially makes the progression more even than in the vanilla game (at least compared to how low reputation's are handled).
- Very low reputation characters will pay less to see a reputation improvement from donating to a church.
Innocence Re-Conceived Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Changes who the game considers to be "innocent", meaning that killing people found in obscure locations (defined as being either a diagonal location or more than one (e,w,s,n) area away from an urban area) will not result in a reputation loss.
Also makes it so that if you are a paladin that kills an innocent person you lose your paladin status. Rangers however do not face this restriction.
Only Autosaves
This Component makes it so that you cannot save the game. You must rely on autosaves (and your own wit) to make your way through it.
Fixed Insane Difficulty
This component turns Legacy of Bhaal into effectively a game where you are permanently playing on the insane difficulty setting.
Note: I do not recommend you install the Fixed Insane Difficulty and Only Autosaves components after you have already started a game. The results could be very mixed if you do so.
Anyways, special thanks to @Cuv and @Ardanis for helping me figure out the Weidu stuff behind the mod. Special thanks to Etamin for their work on the Polish translation.
Fixed Insane Difficulty
This component turns Legacy of Bhaal into effectively a game where you are permanently playing on the insane difficulty setting.
Anyways, special thanks to @Cuv and @Ardanis for helping me figure out the Weidu stuff behind the mod. Also special thanks to @Etamin for providing the polish translation.
The concept behind this mod is to make the world a rougher place. Low reputation characters are considered to be absolutely horrid human beings - so there is a very low expectation that they will assist anyone. When they do it is regarded as being an exceptional act. As a result low reputation characters now have a lower bar to donating to increase their reputation than higher reputation characters. Merchants are also actually now inclined to give them a discount - if only to ensure they themselves are not hurt.
Likewise, because the world is such a dark and unforgiving place characters that have higher reputation amounts are seen in a much more positive light. People are more willing to forgive them should they make a mistake (such as killing a civilian).
It also includes some of the components I've been working on for my upcoming Eve of War mod. This includes a component that significantly changes how chapter 7 is handled in the game. You can find more details on this below.
The mod also has other components that increase the games difficulty.
Installation order: It should probably be installed after any quest or romance mods but before any other tweak mods. However, I could be wrong here so please feel free to report any issues you have with this working with other mods so we can determine the best time to install this.
Scaled Spawning should be installed before you install Fixed Insane Difficulty
This mod has 9 components:
Scaled Spawning (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Scaled spawning adds new creatures (including creatures that you would otherwise not encounter in BG1) along the main (critical) path of the game. This is in part based on your difficulty level. This also does not change the AI for these creatures (so if you want a challenge there you might want to look into something like SCS). These are all just one-time encounters (they won't respawn).
Sparse Resting (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Sparse Resting changes the probability of successfully resting in some areas based on your difficulty setting. In some cases it may now be extremely difficult to successfully rest. It will also open up the option to rest in other areas (that previously blocked resting).
Chapter 7 Hardcore Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
The chapter 7 hardcore component does three things
1. It makes it so that when you hit chapter 7 you lose access to all areas within the City of Baldur's Gate (as well as the farm area). The only way to access the city (and to leave as well) is to pay a smuggler to bring you into and out of the city. The smuggler can be found near the bridge in the bridge area.
2. It makes it so that your movement within the city is very limited. You are only able to move one area at a time - even if you have previously explored a section of the city.
3. It adds Flaming Fist patrols to the streets
These restrictions will end at the end of Sarevok's coronation ceremony.
Improved Beggars Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Beggars now have flies flying overtop of their heads. Extremely low reputation parties can give them a donation and (provided they acted respectfully when doing so) can get a small reputation increase.
New Reputation Names Component
This component renames the description you get for your given level of reputation to one of the following
Reputation Rebalanced Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
This changes reputation in a couple of ways
- Higher and lower reputation characters get better prices in stores. A character with around 10 reputation for instance would pay more for a good than one with 1 or 20.
- Starting reputation only varies between 9 and 11 now (depending upon your starting alignment).
- A low reputation character killing someone in law enforcement is now unlikely to cause further reputation losses. Killing civilians however will.
- The reaction modifier for players with higher reputation is improved. Players with 20 reputation now will get +7 to reaction instead of +4. This essentially makes the progression more even than in the vanilla game (at least compared to how low reputation's are handled).
- Very low reputation characters will pay less to see a reputation improvement from donating to a church.
Innocence Re-Conceived Component (BGEE Original Campaign Only)
Changes who the game considers to be "innocent", meaning that killing people found in obscure locations (defined as being either a diagonal location or more than one (e,w,s,n) area away from an urban area) will not result in a reputation loss.
Also makes it so that if you are a paladin that kills an innocent person you lose your paladin status. Rangers however do not face this restriction.
Only Autosaves
This Component makes it so that you cannot save the game. You must rely on autosaves (and your own wit) to make your way through it.
Fixed Insane Difficulty
This component turns Legacy of Bhaal into effectively a game where you are permanently playing on the insane difficulty setting.
Note: I do not recommend you install the Fixed Insane Difficulty and Only Autosaves components after you have already started a game. The results could be very mixed if you do so.
Anyways, special thanks to @Cuv and @Ardanis for helping me figure out the Weidu stuff behind the mod. Special thanks to Etamin for their work on the Polish translation.
Fixed Insane Difficulty
This component turns Legacy of Bhaal into effectively a game where you are permanently playing on the insane difficulty setting.
Anyways, special thanks to @Cuv and @Ardanis for helping me figure out the Weidu stuff behind the mod. Also special thanks to @Etamin for providing the polish translation.
Post edited by elminster on
When you rest, there is now a chance that one of these new creatures will spawn, but only once before you can successfully rest through the night?
Are there many new areas that this opens up to the ability to rest, or just a couple?
Are the creatures that this mod adds, scaled to be of a difficulty that a normal party might expect to encounter, or something stronger than normal?
It doesn’t close off any areas to resting that are currently open in the game, does it?
2. Maybe one or two areas. Its stuff like the cabin in the first area of cloakwood. But it will be harder (particularly on higher difficulties) to rest outside.
3. They are all just copies of existing creature files from BG2. So they shouldn't operate any differently (or have different health amounts etc)
4. It makes it much more difficult to successfully rest in some specific areas (but when that happens there generally would be somewhere provided nearby where you can rest safely). But the chance to successfully rest is based on your game difficulty. Its possible there are cases where it outright prevents a player from successfully resting, but given that this is just following the critical path of the game the number of areas we are talking about is not that many (maybe parts of cloakwood on higher difficulty settings).
Just replace the setup-k9AltLegacyOfBhaal.tp2 file with the one in the attached archive and paste the .ini file in the same folder.
.ini file includes Irenicus (not Spellhold version), Bodhi (Chapter 6 only), the Five + Gromnir, Melissan, and the final Ascension battle if Ascension is installed. All of them will keep LoB inflated HP and every other advantage. If you want to add more, just enter their .cre filename in the .ini.
It's a bit crude but I'm not a modder and it's still less of a hassle than manually editing with Near Infinity. Have fun.
It gives LoB a challenge but without making things impossible, and battles don't last forever, there are just more of them... I've just arrived at the Friendly Arm Inn and faced nearly 8 wolves and maybe 7 gibberlings en route. Achievable but not frustrating, and no need to avoid conflict or spend half the time kiting ...
Does it make you get only the higher amount of spawns LOB gives you while retaining the core difficulty?
Also, do these new enemies bring any new loot? It could be nice to use them to fill up some holes, like a +2 morning star or bastard sword.
@elminster: The link seems broken? It links to some hide in shadows mod?
I have two ideas for improvment:
1) Could you make it so that after clearing the Firewine Ruins, there won't be any more Kobolds disturbing your rest in Gullykin? Another (additional) possibility would be to allow resting in halflings' houses (because they talk a lot about their hospitality and invite you to stay, this would make sense).
2) Could you split the new spans and resting area modifications in two different components?
It was a nice surprse but unfortunately they didn't give any xp...
EDIT: I wanted to test those new features and noticed that after killing NPC in Baldur's Gate near NPCs don't become aggresive (in Candlekeep for instance is OK).
Commoner npcs don't become aggressive in BGEE if you kill someone near them. That is a change from a long time ago. Candlekeep is the one exception I think.