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ranger solo viability?

So... First off.... I KNOW THAT DUAL OR MULTI CLASS IS BETTER OPTIONS! Lol now thats out of the way.. Id like to do a solo pure class run, but its been a decade since ive done anything of the sort on this game. While generally i find joy in playing a solo mage/sorcerer...Ive been trying to mix it up lately. Im enjoying the stalker ranger kit immensely. I freaking rolled a 97 on his stats right out the Gate. Clearly a sign of lady luck lol. But i digress. If i do a solo run, how should i gear up? Potential problems? Tactics? Just plain never going to work? If the latter is the case, what about a 2 man or 4 man stealth team? Thoughts?


  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    It should be possible. Please do make a documented run in the playthroughs forum.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    The main problem with solo runs are access to restoration/healing, locksmithing/trapfinding, breach, and a 19 (or nearly 19) strength -- you just can't combine all of them in a single character. That said, rangers are a durable class and the stalker is an entertaining kit to play, plus with only one character you'll be able to wear the game's best items yourself instead of sharing them among an entire 6-member party. You'll want to stock up on items that protect you from magic and dispel enemy protections (arrows of dispelling, scrolls of magic protection, etc) but other than that you should be fine,
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,069
    To me stalkers just reek of flavor, and they are fun indeed. Enjoy and share with us your run!
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Welcome to the forums @JGP
  • Pharaun159Pharaun159 Member Posts: 41
    @JGB DUDE! extremely helpfull information. I been playing a sorcerer for a very long time. The same combos for years! I need to mix it up, and to actively play a stealthy chatacter, is something i havent done yet. So glad that its feasable. Sounds like the most fun, will be duo stealth team. My ranger stalker, and possibly another ranger archer lol. A romantic duo to battle the gods lol. an assassin/ fighter or shadow dancer fighter might not be bad options. Thanks for the advice man!
  • Pharaun159Pharaun159 Member Posts: 41
    I also considered paring up an undead hunter paladin. Send them in to agro, and then come in with the backstab.
  • Pharaun159Pharaun159 Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2016
    Update, so i decided to go with an elven ranger stalker stats got:
    Str 18
    Dex 19
    Con 18
    Int 12
    Wis 16
    Cha 14
    For freaking 97!
    Edit: realized i goofed here. I originally rolled this character on a playthrough starting in SoD, but wanted to do a full playthrough with him instead. So i recreated him with ctl shift 8 and forgot the Constitution penalty. I fixed via an editor and made finding the manual of bodily health, an early priority.

    I paired him up with a female fighter/thief.
    Str 18
    Dex 19
    Con 16
    Int 10
    Wis 14
    Cha 14
    For 91 (hit that roll fairly early.)

    F/t pips put into shortbows, katanas and two weapon style. Figured primarily archer support, and traps (both setting and disarming). Shes gonna get the specialty arrows. ( arrow of dispelling when im positioned to backstab the nasty mage?lol). Ranger gonna tank and potions of invisibility with cloak of none detection. Probably need boots of speed. Both are essentially fighter thiefs, but each leans more to one side or the other.
    Post edited by Pharaun159 on
  • Pharaun159Pharaun159 Member Posts: 41
    Made it through bg1. On to the dragonspear expansion. Really wasnt as hard as i thought. Hardest parts where the grouo of adventures outside the back exit of naskel mines, while i was still lvl one lol. That sucked. The other part was the spider queen counter acting the poison.. As i began to aquire more potions, life became easier. the party outside the entrance of the cloakwood mines was piece of cake. Backstabbed the mages the potion of absorption and went toe to toe and messed them up. Saravok was easy with arrows of dispelling and magic blocking potions.
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