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What are your favorite character combinations in SoD?

Baldur's Gate has had a tradition of having groups of characters that build on each other wonderfully, creating the feeling of a team rather than a single badass a group of five eccentric individuals that follow them around. There are so many combinations that bring out wonderful little angles to the characters, such as Mazzy and Valygar, or Minsc and Aerie/Nalia, or Haer'Dalis and Jaheira. Take certain characters, put them into the same party, and the end result is more than the sum of its parts.

So here's the question: What combinations have you found in SoD that are like this? Volghiln and Safana are an infamous duo already, of course, and Minsc and Dynaheir are still a dynamic duo. What characters interact with each other best, which ones have the best banter, the best interjections, things like that.

For example: Volghiln and Neera had one banter I found hilarious. The spoony bard (and Volghiln is textbook "spoony") is clearly hitting on her, and she doesn't even seem to realize it. I found myself cackling at the sound of utter defeat in his voice as she clearly misses the point. This is just a banter and not a dynamic, but I didn't see any new dynamics to speak of, other than the quiet hatred between Baeloth and M'Khiin.


  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Volghiln and glint they often talk funny to each other.

    Viconia and Baeloth they sometimes talk in drow, it would be nice if they would talk more and act like drow to each other.

    Volghiln will try to hit any girl in the party, including Viconia, but he will hit a wall.

    Volghiln and minsc they often talk funny to each other, Volghiln makes some jokes, minsc doens't undertand them, and Volghiln tries to explain them again.

    I had both khalid and jaheira in the party but i was surprised they had not much or no talk at all.

    Corwin and M'Khiin often have some hate/respect talks, Corwin see M'Khiin as an enemy, and M'Khiin see Corwin the same way, but Corwin seems to understand M'Khiin doesn't act like any other goblin does, and M'Khiin says to Corwin that she is not just a mercenary who kills for fun or for money.

    Safana, anybody she talks too, expecially girls, is a fight.

    I usually keep Volghiln for a laugh.
  • JurisJuris Member Posts: 113
    Adding to the above:
    M'Khin and Baeloth start off absolutely hating each other but sorta become frenemies
    Edwin and Viconia have a 'we're both evil but competent' relationship which is kinda interesting
    Minsc and Glint are similar to Minsc and Jan in BG2
    Those are the more memorable ones, and yeah Jaheira is weirdly silent I guess they weren't able to get the original actress but they should've tried someone else because Janeira is a pretty central character
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Yeah M'Khin and Corwin was interesting with the mutual prejudice yet also grudging respect thing they have going. Glint and Minsc are great (Though really Glint/anyone is entertaining). I ran Minsc, Dynaheir, GLint, M'khin, and Corwin when I played through. Oh, Dynaheir does get into some amusing banter about her way of speaking with both Glint and M'Khin.
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