Starting new game from BG:EE to BG2:EE

I want to start a game from bg1 to bg2 start to finish on insane difficulty (maybe hard). I've tried this before but scheduling 6 people together at the same time was always an issue. So this time around I'm going to say I'd like to do the game on Sunday nights at 8pm EST. If theres a 2nd day that all 6 people can get together that would be great and I'd like to add that in. As far as classes go, I'll fill whatever is best for the group. Since I want to do insane I'd prefer to stay away from dual classing, although I have no issues if someone wants to multiclass. If your interested post here and friend me (therdre) on steam. I'll make a group on steam for this and we can communicate that way.
I may stream our playthrough as well if everyone wants to.
I may stream our playthrough as well if everyone wants to.