Extract boar resources?

Does anyone know what the files for boars are, and how to export those creatures for use in regular BGEE? I want to use them for pigs there. And to Beamdog: would you allow this?
- Open the file ANIMATE.IDS with Near Infinity and look for the boar animation entry (there should be two).
- Use the associated hex value (without '0x' prefix) and open the INI file of same name (e.g. E27F.INI for BOAR_WILD).
- Look for the "resref" entry in the INI file. It should define a short string value of 4 letters (e.g. "MBOA").
- Search for every BAM file starting with the resref value from the INI file. All of these files make up the whole creature animation.
It's not as simple to make a new creature out of it, though. Aside from modifying numerous animation files you'd have to find a new free animation slot, add it to ANIMATE.IDS, create a new INI file which defines your creature properties and create your CRE file(s) with the new animation.