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Custom Journal Notes Replacing Map Notes in BG2EE

RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 749
edited July 2016 in Troubleshooting
I think this bug may be related to the issue I've seen reported for BG1 where map notes are incorrectly strung together, but I haven't seen anyone mention this specific version of the problem.

In BG2EE (, I'm finding that not only does changing one map note inexplicably change map notes on completely different maps, but my custom journal notes are also replacing map notes. I haven't figured out exactly what causes the problem, but changing the map notes or journal entries in any way (color, name or adding new ones) and then returning to the map later usually causes at least one of them to glitch out.

I've attached a save so you can see just how messed up my notes are right now. In the Slums, I have two map notes that have been replaced with custom journal entries (which are still visible in the journal as well), and 3 others that are incorrectly named from other locations.

(Please ignore the randomness of my custom journal entries. I've been testing UI mods. But the issue was occurring on my first clean install as well).


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2016
    I tried playing around with map notes and travelling between different maps. I see what you mean in your saved game but I can't replicate it myself. If you find a way to replicate it reliably then @elminster tag me.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 749
    edited July 2016
    @elminster I've managed to replicate the issue 3 times on a new game (without the custom UI) so it's definitely doable, for me at least. Unfortunately, I haven't quite worked out a complete set of instructions beyond "fiddle with it til it breaks."

    The most recent glitch went something like this:
    1. Added 2 notes. Changed colors (though oddly enough, I can't change the color back to black)
    2. Added journal note. Saved and loaded.
    3. Added note. Changed colors. Added note.
    4. Saved and loaded. Added one more journal entry (w/ map open). Changed colors. Glitch.

    Messing with the journal while the map is open seems to make it happen faster. But my journal also starts glitching internally before that, with notes duplicating each other and disappearing. Unfortunately, there's just enough randomness that it doesn't seem to happen on the same step every time.

    So far Mr2150 has only managed to replicate it on my saves so something may have gotten corrupted in my game, possibly the dialog.tlk.
    Post edited by Ratatoskr on
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