"The Armed Peasant Tavern & Inn"- MP server info: & Houserules, Guidlines

Greetings and Welcome to...................... ..................................................
......................................................"The Armed Peasant Tavern & Inn"..........................................................
...........Here we serve up ale by the bucket, roasted meats.. assorted bread loafs, cheese wedges, and fresh fruits. Everything an adventurer needs to keep that axe choppin'...
.......Feel free to join my game server if you see it up. or PM me to set up a game.
......Timezone: California PST.
This forum is for me to post information about the Playstyle and Game I run on my server. If you like my style of play then feel free to join my server anytime for some old-skool P&P style D&D fun. My server requires the players to use a bit of imagination/ discipline and make roleplay decisions that enhance the D&D experience.
Basics About My Server:
I try to run a ~challenging~ game for myself and for others. To do this I follow some guidelines that I feel enhance the feel and immersion of these wonderful games. These guidelines I refer to as my "House Rules".
...I try and stick to them as much as possible and have included brief explanations for each:
The Armed Peasant T&I server HOUSE RULES:
1) English is primary language
2) no Uber or illigit PC's allowed,- balanced characters are mo'fun anyways.
3) Item import is not allowed. (you must beg, borrow, or steal equipment). But don't fret, my main Character usually has a BagofHolding with party gear in it available..for you to use'...... so, no, you may not import your character with all that equipment you found in YOUR game. But you may retain your XP, given that your character is proper level for the current adventure. or you can make a new character..
4) Resting is not to be abused, the party must wait 8-12 game hours between rests, unless at an Inn.
-or if it is deemed role play appropriate... resting is done by the Main Character only (me).
5) NEW PLAYERS may join and import a character only at taverns, temples, or Towns,. not while knee deep in otyugh shit, deep underground. - this is a roleplay rule to encourage players to make wise decisions both when importing a character, and while actively adventuring. ..which brings me to my next rule:
6) IMPORTANT RULE``No unnecessary RELOADING adventures or savegames because of a PC death (unless the main Char dies.).
- Raising must be done the oldfashioned way~ at a temple or with magic.- So, in the unfortunate event that your "tank" of a character whom you may feel is invulnerable to anything the game can throw at it, inadvertently gets 'iself fried, mangled, cooked, froze, disintegrated, dis-embowled, diseased, poisoned, squashed, incinerated, lascertated, eviscerated, or otherwise DEAD... You my friend are SoL... until the party can raise you, OR you may use any available NPC in the party i:e> Edwin, Tiax etc.. If none are available then you must wait until your character can be raised by legit means> so go make a sandwich, it could be awhile. - This rule helps to remind players to play carefully, and make meaningful decisions in game... Hey!' ..maybe i WILL let the thief lead the way...
7) FAST TRAVEL: I generally enforce a no fast travel policy. This means I don't travel from west BG, to Nashkel in the click of one button. But instead, must travel through the areas inbetween. This rule may be broken at times. but in general it is solid. - This policy complements the RolePlay style of gaming I enjoy, for example: the party forgot to buy arrows or ammunition when we passed through Beregost on our way to ulcaster ruins. too bad, we're not hiking all the damned way back to town because YOU forgot to refill your quiver, thats what melee weapons are for, use what ya got.
Gameplay Guidelines & Basic policies:
.... This game is not a race, its a planned and executed adventure. - this means the following:
A) I will usually have an adventure outline, and I prefer a traditional Party. So, the server title will say something like.....
"The Armed Peasant Tavern & Inn" -Nashkel->Gnoll Stronghold->north->east to Beregost- 1900 PST
This means that i plan on the party beginning from the Inn at Nashkell, traveling through the areas west, to the Gnoll Stronghold, then north and east, and eventually ending in Beregost if possible. That's quite a long trek but it is just an example. The POINT is that there is a PLAN... and the plan usually starts and ends at a tavern.lol.
..and note the planned starting time of 1900 PST.
NOTE: I usually put up the server well in advance of the starting time for advertisement. If you join, just be patient I check it frequently and I will admit you into the game ASAP, and you may begin outfitting your character, or buggering around the current area or whatever... until we begin the adventure. Inventories are generally to be shared, on a priority basis, so, feel free to look through others inventories and take what you need if you think you can use it more than someone else.. hehe.. or just ask. but generally, take some moments to look at other PC's inventories to see who has what to get an idea what they can do in battle etc.
............................ NAME your Player Character the SAME NAME as your Login NAME or vica versa.. to avoid confusion in the console log...i.e: if you want to play your character: "Bullgar the Brave", make your login name "Bullgar".
PAUSING.. and autopause: is reccomended at any time you need to. generally I will have autopause on for "enemy sighted", and "trap found". These are sometimes switched off if they get annoying. If you do Pause the game to switch weapons, items, drink potions, use scroll, target enemy etc.. GREAT.!..!.. Pausing is encouraged to help players talk through battles, and execute deft battle tactics that are part of the ROLE PLAY experience. Respect others pauses, be patient and don't un-pause others' pauses...In-Game role-Playing is fine, even encouraged. One of the best ways to do this is to type Subtleties into the Chatlog that let others know what you are doing/ feeling...
.... talk through battles and let others know what actions you are going to attempt......Example:
Yeslick: ...*grumbles... SNorts... BAH.!! .Stinkin' ogre nearly took me' head off.
Yeslick:.. <__swigs potions
Edwin:<--Casting Fireball,
Edwin: Worthless Humans, BURN!!!
Eldoth: <--..Sips from brandy flask..."rolls eyes".. hums a tune..
...COMMUNICATION in game...........
..use pause when you type an important message during battle.!.. whne deciding tactics and such.
...teamspeak is fine ... but not required... I do know a TS server that we can use if desired.
..PLAY AWESOME.>!! Have a good ol' time, and SMILE as you murder helpless Xvarts.. MUAHAHA..
favorite Characters:
Bards, cleric/thief, dwarves, drunkards.
......................................................"The Armed Peasant Tavern & Inn"..........................................................
...........Here we serve up ale by the bucket, roasted meats.. assorted bread loafs, cheese wedges, and fresh fruits. Everything an adventurer needs to keep that axe choppin'...
.......Feel free to join my game server if you see it up. or PM me to set up a game.
......Timezone: California PST.
This forum is for me to post information about the Playstyle and Game I run on my server. If you like my style of play then feel free to join my server anytime for some old-skool P&P style D&D fun. My server requires the players to use a bit of imagination/ discipline and make roleplay decisions that enhance the D&D experience.
Basics About My Server:
I try to run a ~challenging~ game for myself and for others. To do this I follow some guidelines that I feel enhance the feel and immersion of these wonderful games. These guidelines I refer to as my "House Rules".
...I try and stick to them as much as possible and have included brief explanations for each:
The Armed Peasant T&I server HOUSE RULES:
1) English is primary language
2) no Uber or illigit PC's allowed,- balanced characters are mo'fun anyways.
3) Item import is not allowed. (you must beg, borrow, or steal equipment). But don't fret, my main Character usually has a BagofHolding with party gear in it available..for you to use'...... so, no, you may not import your character with all that equipment you found in YOUR game. But you may retain your XP, given that your character is proper level for the current adventure. or you can make a new character..
4) Resting is not to be abused, the party must wait 8-12 game hours between rests, unless at an Inn.
-or if it is deemed role play appropriate... resting is done by the Main Character only (me).
5) NEW PLAYERS may join and import a character only at taverns, temples, or Towns,. not while knee deep in otyugh shit, deep underground. - this is a roleplay rule to encourage players to make wise decisions both when importing a character, and while actively adventuring. ..which brings me to my next rule:
6) IMPORTANT RULE``No unnecessary RELOADING adventures or savegames because of a PC death (unless the main Char dies.).
- Raising must be done the oldfashioned way~ at a temple or with magic.- So, in the unfortunate event that your "tank" of a character whom you may feel is invulnerable to anything the game can throw at it, inadvertently gets 'iself fried, mangled, cooked, froze, disintegrated, dis-embowled, diseased, poisoned, squashed, incinerated, lascertated, eviscerated, or otherwise DEAD... You my friend are SoL... until the party can raise you, OR you may use any available NPC in the party i:e> Edwin, Tiax etc.. If none are available then you must wait until your character can be raised by legit means> so go make a sandwich, it could be awhile. - This rule helps to remind players to play carefully, and make meaningful decisions in game... Hey!' ..maybe i WILL let the thief lead the way...
7) FAST TRAVEL: I generally enforce a no fast travel policy. This means I don't travel from west BG, to Nashkel in the click of one button. But instead, must travel through the areas inbetween. This rule may be broken at times. but in general it is solid. - This policy complements the RolePlay style of gaming I enjoy, for example: the party forgot to buy arrows or ammunition when we passed through Beregost on our way to ulcaster ruins. too bad, we're not hiking all the damned way back to town because YOU forgot to refill your quiver, thats what melee weapons are for, use what ya got.
Gameplay Guidelines & Basic policies:
.... This game is not a race, its a planned and executed adventure. - this means the following:
A) I will usually have an adventure outline, and I prefer a traditional Party. So, the server title will say something like.....
"The Armed Peasant Tavern & Inn" -Nashkel->Gnoll Stronghold->north->east to Beregost- 1900 PST
This means that i plan on the party beginning from the Inn at Nashkell, traveling through the areas west, to the Gnoll Stronghold, then north and east, and eventually ending in Beregost if possible. That's quite a long trek but it is just an example. The POINT is that there is a PLAN... and the plan usually starts and ends at a tavern.lol.
..and note the planned starting time of 1900 PST.
NOTE: I usually put up the server well in advance of the starting time for advertisement. If you join, just be patient I check it frequently and I will admit you into the game ASAP, and you may begin outfitting your character, or buggering around the current area or whatever... until we begin the adventure. Inventories are generally to be shared, on a priority basis, so, feel free to look through others inventories and take what you need if you think you can use it more than someone else.. hehe.. or just ask. but generally, take some moments to look at other PC's inventories to see who has what to get an idea what they can do in battle etc.
............................ NAME your Player Character the SAME NAME as your Login NAME or vica versa.. to avoid confusion in the console log...i.e: if you want to play your character: "Bullgar the Brave", make your login name "Bullgar".

.... talk through battles and let others know what actions you are going to attempt......Example:
Yeslick: ...*grumbles... SNorts... BAH.!! .Stinkin' ogre nearly took me' head off.
Yeslick:.. <__swigs potions
Edwin:<--Casting Fireball,
Edwin: Worthless Humans, BURN!!!
Eldoth: <--..Sips from brandy flask..."rolls eyes".. hums a tune..
...COMMUNICATION in game...........
..use pause when you type an important message during battle.!.. whne deciding tactics and such.
...teamspeak is fine ... but not required... I do know a TS server that we can use if desired.
..PLAY AWESOME.>!! Have a good ol' time, and SMILE as you murder helpless Xvarts.. MUAHAHA..
favorite Characters:
Bards, cleric/thief, dwarves, drunkards.