Idea for getting Dorn early - Spoiler

So...I'm sure others have thought of it, but I just haven't seen it posted. OK, my evil party killed the boss in chapter 8 without a tank and Dorn is several steps away in Chapter 9. So...the first time in chapter 9 I battled through all the monsters in Forest of Wyrms, the monsters in the cave, etc, and got to the temple prisoner with the badge. Listened to his whining, battled more monsters, freed the prisoner, got the badge. Way too much work. This time with a little cheese, I went to FoW, used Baeloth to invisible myself at the beginning, walked through FoW, the cave, and strait to the temple. Since I am evil, I had one character flip the stabby switch, quicklooted the badge, and reinvisibled myself back out and went directly to Boareskyr Bridge to pick up my tank. Now I can start Chapter 9 properly.

Dorn is a rubbish tank though, he is hardly worth the effort on that count.
Anyway, he did spoke as if he was just released from the cage after I crossed the bridge.
4: I am a fellow crusader, here with a message for the camp commander, let me in.
1: I've been on a secret mission. It's very important that I speak with the commander.
3: I've a message for the Barghest, from Baldur's Gate.
2: I must give it to the Barghest directly.
1: This is a matter of some urgency. I'll do as you say, but please - do it quickly that I might relay my message.
- Taken into custody
Custody - you're in cells near Dorn, with all your items. Open the door with a thief and the Mercenary guard lets you go (he's from Nashkel).