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If you want to use the actual voice of Jon Irenicus, then this discussion is definately your bag

So I just took the novelty of making a killer soundset with Jon Irenicus' wav files from bg2 as a playable voice set, granted I only tested them in IWDEE but im pretty sure that BG2EE uses the same voice characters ( since it looks like IWDEE is using the bg2 characters) and with that being said since BGEE is using the BG2 engine, it should work there as well ( also evident on the fact that siege of draonspear uses the updated voice characters as well) so if ya want to give 'er a go, here is the file you need:


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Im going to just bump this up a little bit, just in case someone is interested in using this voice set, don't want them to miss out
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I did miss it. Nice, thank you. :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Ravenslight you are welcome :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    so I just tested it out in all three games ( bg1 & 2 and IWD) and it works flawlessly in IWD and bg2 but in bg1 for some reason, some of the voices don't match to well, I guess bg1 uses different character lettering for different sounds
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