what do you do when you are undecided about which class to play?

I feel like I'm truly undecided about what I would like to play.
I have to do a no-reload run for the whole quadrilogy but I'm undecided for a character that is a good pick both for a good and a evil party.
Choices are:
Barbarian\druid dual class
Barbarian\cleric OR berserker\cleric dual class
Kensai\mage dual class
I have to do a no-reload run for the whole quadrilogy but I'm undecided for a character that is a good pick both for a good and a evil party.
Choices are:
Barbarian\druid dual class
Barbarian\cleric OR berserker\cleric dual class
Kensai\mage dual class
By the way, you shouldn't be able to dual class from Barbarian without using eekeeper or some other save editor... unless they changed that in v2?
Also, the stat allocation is different according to the class I should be getting..
Another alternative would be to create all three in a party together and see who survives the longest?
Then three days later I actually finish and still have no idea what to play. Sometimes I just roll a dice.
On a side note, a good party seems to always lack the best mage, so being a mage yourself may be a good idea, though I am more partial to being the one in control of healing, because the AI is dumb about it. An evil party most likely has Edwin and Viccy, so there's no real need to be either a mage or a cleric. A good party probably has Jaheira, so another Fighter/Druid may be a bit too much.
For instance, a human fighter/wild mage/cleric is entirely possible and playable without external mods
cleric will be buff and tank
kensai/mage no comment...
Druid of course.