Character hit autopause

The character hit autopause pauses the game when summoned creatures are hit, which is contradictory. A summoned creature is not a character. The description of the option says "Pause whenever a party member is hit", which adds to the confusion. Are summons party members? I'd say no, but I guess that's debatable.
As usual in these cases it's unclear what is "right" and what isn't. I'd like this option to pause only when a character is hit. I don't see much point in pausing the game when a summoned skeleton is hit, after all, that's why I summoned it, so that it gets the hits rather than my characters. On the other hand, when a character is hit, that's more serious, specially if you're playing Legacy of Bhaal difficulty (as I am). I want a pause when that happens so that I can see what's wrong and whether I need to protect my character.
Another view might be that the behaviour of the game is fine and what is wrong is the name of the option.
So what's your view?
As usual in these cases it's unclear what is "right" and what isn't. I'd like this option to pause only when a character is hit. I don't see much point in pausing the game when a summoned skeleton is hit, after all, that's why I summoned it, so that it gets the hits rather than my characters. On the other hand, when a character is hit, that's more serious, specially if you're playing Legacy of Bhaal difficulty (as I am). I want a pause when that happens so that I can see what's wrong and whether I need to protect my character.
Another view might be that the behaviour of the game is fine and what is wrong is the name of the option.
So what's your view?
- Character hit autopause22 votes
- I'd like this option to pause only when a character is hit.  9.09%
- I'd like this option to have a consistent name, like "Friendly creature hit".  4.55%
- I don't give a turnip, I don't even use that option.72.73%
- I'd like you to stop being so fastidious.13.64%
This is my first poll and I thought this would be like Facebook, where voters are allowed to add options to the poll. Considering the votes so far it looks like there's an option missing: "I use it and I think it's fine the way it is". However, it looks like even the poll creator cannot add options once the poll is created.
"Pause whenever a controlled creature, character, or party member is hit."