It would be cool to be a werewolf. Especially when you consider the stats of the greater Wolfwere which are like ac -3 and the most important, regenerates 6hp/round. Would probably be overpowering for bg1 though since the immunity to normal weapons and regen would probably be a bit too powerful for most encounters
I heard shapeshifting Druids are kind of meh even in bg2 so I'm assuming that the gear you get more than matches their greater werewolf form, but I dunno, still on SoD before I do bg2. Never tried a shapeshifting Druid in bg1
Shapeshifting druids are awesome. Their form is pretty overpowered in BG1 and they an upgrade at level 13 I beleive that can carry you through BG2. TOB is when they start to lose effectiveness, luckily being single class druid, they are still very potent spellcasters.
Karoug is not portrayed as a total beast honestly. You've got the option to join him, he accepts, and you can give him only an ironic answer that makes him hostile. It seems it was more victim of the lazyness of Bioware when it comes to evil options, then him being full fledged hostile.
There should be a few new options:
1) Be able to become a werewolf, you were infected, I would like to be able to do more than heal myself and be able to find the best in the worst. So getting the infection too and becoming a werewolf could be cool. Beside, you can become a vampire in bg2 with mods added, why wouldn't one choose to become a werewolf after allying with Karoug?
2) Fight Karoug right after having joined him and did his murder-the-whole-isle.
3) Make him be a little more pragmatic and make him come with you in Ulgoth's beard, only to see him attacking everyone and making everyone his pack (that could be a really nice roleplaying option)
Regarding 2, you have to understand that times have changed a bit. 20 years ago there was much less murder and death in video games, even ones based on combat.
(Also in movies and TV. I just read something hilarious: in the old He-Man TV show, even though the hero goes around wielding a sword, he never actually uses it against anyone. He never even punches anyone. He always just rips them or throws them into a barrel, or something like that.)
Haha reminds me of how the ninja turtles show was, where they never use their weapons, at least the sharp ones, on anyone. Which led to a few hilarious pun videos (look up "ninja turtles use their weapons for first time" video) back in the day
I heard shapeshifting Druids are kind of meh even in bg2 so I'm assuming that the gear you get more than matches their greater werewolf form, but I dunno, still on SoD before I do bg2. Never tried a shapeshifting Druid in bg1
There should be a few new options:
1) Be able to become a werewolf, you were infected, I would like to be able to do more than heal myself and be able to find the best in the worst. So getting the infection too and becoming a werewolf could be cool. Beside, you can become a vampire in bg2 with mods added, why wouldn't one choose to become a werewolf after allying with Karoug?
2) Fight Karoug right after having joined him and did his murder-the-whole-isle.
3) Make him be a little more pragmatic and make him come with you in Ulgoth's beard, only to see him attacking everyone and making everyone his pack (that could be a really nice roleplaying option)