Priest of Lathander or Priest of Tyr?

I can't decide which of these would be better for me in the long run. I'm going in as a Human Cleric/Mage dual-class and the Boon of Lathander's extra attack per round and protection from level drain for 1 round sounds good, but is that better than the Divine Favor's +1 to attack and hit every 3 levels for 2 rounds? I'm not sure when I'll be switching to the Mage but likely not until I've reached level 9 Priest (or level 16, i'm fine exploiting the spell scroll XP which could mean +5 to both) so that's at least +3 to attack and hit for 2 rounds, combined with Bless and Chant etc that's +5 (or +7). I'm very confused.
The main point of a Cleric/Mage is not to be attacking as much with your weapons, so neither of those two abilities will be all that useful, especially with all the spells you can cast. That said, Lathander's Boon's extra attack is far more useful to a cleric than Divine Favor's improving hit and damage. Also, Lathander's Boon last much, much longer. Two rounds is 12 seconds, barely a sneeze length of time. And during that time, you're still only getting one attack per round.
Tyr DOES have a very nice debuff purge, however, that can be very useful for your fellow party members.
Other notes, Tyr does not (as far as I know,) have its own dedicated church in the second game, while Lathander does. I don't know how important bases are to you, but there is that.
But then I realized than even if less powerful the dual have its sense. He will grow much faster as a mage then the multi and reach earlier the very powerful arcane spells, he will have some low or medium level divine spells depending on the dualing level, something useful for him to self buff and something useful to buff the party, think about CC. And he will use them his sequencers and contingencies to create recipes, maybe less powerful then Aerie's ones, but really strong. With him the party can go without an other cleric while he is basically an enhanced mage at the cost of little XP. So a better mage then Imoen or Nalia.
The build opens also to some very interesting weapons and other equipment.
His main weapon will be a good sling equipped if needed with enchanted bullets to get the STR bonus, or the one that get it anyway. And with the Boon of Lathander, STR enhanced with self buffs and IH he can for a short time do some damage: 4 APR, each of them quite damaging, I guess something like 100 or 120 dmg X round. Much better then Imoen or Nalia also as physical damage dealer.
It can be an interesting dual class to play, and will not lack of power as a single class mage is anyway OP and he will be an enhanced single class mage, with a little less XP.
Lathander is the good god of renewal, creativity and youth, and is celebrated nearly everywhere. His followers are very popular throughout the Realms, and there are numerous wealthy temples devoted to him.
May cast Hold Undead once per day for every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
May cast Boon of Lathander once per day per 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use). This spell lasts for 6 seconds per level of the caster. It gives the caster +1 to hit, +1 to damage, +1 to all saving throws and gives the caster 1 extra attack per round. It also protects the recipient from level drain.
That is quite different from what you told. If you dual at lev 11, to have a second use of the boon, you can twice per day be protected from level drain (very annoying) and have the other bonuses.
+1 to hit is useful, +1 to damage is very marginal, +1 to all saving throws is the real thing and stacks with other saving throws improvements from items and from his own spells. this is awesome.
And I already told how the +1 APR can be useful with a sling.
The boon doesn't last 1 round but 1 round per level of the caster, so 11 rounds that are 66 secs, giving in the case of sling + IH 22 more attacks. 1 use of the boon grants something like an added damage of 500 HP, a couple of tough dragons in the unmodded game.
The Priest of Lathander(lev 11)-Mage is a badass ranged fighter for 2 mayor fights X day.
EDIT: dualing at lev 12 he get 1 more lev 6 spell and 1 more to the stats (STR for the damage and DEX for the thaco), the 1 more spell is interesting, the increase of the stats less since he has a low level arcane spell that lasts for in game hours and rises STR to 18, 19 casting it twice, and staking sling, bullet, DEX and Boon his thaco will be any way at a fighter level. No need to over roll at the creation, a starting STR of 9 or 10 is more than enough for him.
Imo as dualing at 12 make the down time much longer is not worth, but as someone does not have problems with long down times is a possible choice.