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Multiplayer runs by Grond0 and Gate70

Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
Gate70 and I have been doing no-reload runs for some years now, recorded on the Bioware Forums. As those Forums are soon going to fall victim to an ADHW I thought I would repost a summary of our runs to date below.


  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    The following list shows the number of times we've used each character class.

    Fighter-mage 5
    Monk 5
    Assassin 4
    Kensai 4
    Ranger-cleric 3
    Cavalier 3
    Berserker 3
    Dark moon monk 3
    Inquisitor 3
    Dragon disciple 3
    Dwarven defender 3
    Archer 3
    Barbarian 2
    Fighter-cleric 2
    Fighter-mage-cleric 2
    Fighter-thief 2
    Sorcerer 2
    Abjurer 2
    Priest of Helm 2
    Ranger 2
    Priest of Talos 2
    Undead hunter 2
    Skald 2
    Stalker 2
    Cleric 2
    Blade 2
    Fighter 2
    Diviner 2
    Mage/thief 2
    Totemic druid 2
    Wild mage 2
    Transmuter 2
    Shadowdancer 2
    Conjuror 2
    Bounty hunter 1
    Fighter-druid 1
    Invoker 1
    Enchanter 1
    Shapeshifter 1
    Paladin 1
    Mage 1
    Fighter-mage-thief 1
    Avenger 1
    Bard 1
    Swashbuckler 1
    Beastmaster 1
    Necromancer 1
    Druid 1
    Cleric/mage 1
    Priest of Lathander 1
    Illusionist 1
    Thief 1
    Jester 1
    Cleric/thief 1
    Blackguard 1
    Wizard slayer 1
    Sun soul monk 1
    Kensai (dualled to mage) 1

    Berserker 7
    Barbarian 5
    Fighter-thief 4
    Kensai 4
    Thief 4
    Illusionist 3
    Fighter-mage-cleric 3
    Fighter-cleric 3
    Fighter-mage 3
    Transmuter 3
    Stalker 3
    Cleric/thief 2
    Bounty hunter 2
    Dragon disciple 2
    Wild mage 2
    Shadowdancer 2
    Blackguard 2
    Fighter-mage-thief 2
    Druid 2
    Diviner 2
    Cleric / mage 2
    Cavalier 2
    Inquisitor 2
    Conjurer 2
    Enchanter 2
    Wizard slayer 2
    Beast master 2
    Archer 2
    Sorcerer 2
    Sun soul monk 2
    Invoker 2
    Blade 2
    Ranger 2
    Shapeshifter 1
    Assassin 1
    Monk 1
    Fighter-druid 1
    Totemic druid 1
    Priest of Helm 1
    Avenger 1
    Mage-thief 1
    Swashbuckler 1
    Skald 1
    Ranger-cleric 1
    Bard 1
    Priest of Lathander 1
    Paladin 1
    Fighter 1
    Undead hunter 1
    Cleric 1
    Jester 1
    Priest of Talos 1
    Abjurer 1
    Necromancer 1
    Mage 1
    Dwarven defender 1
    Dark moon monk 1
    Berserker (dualled to druid) 1

    The above list includes attempts up to MP111. Where multiple attempts have been made with the same characters I have only counted them once. Gate70 has one fewer character listed as one run was attempted with him controlling a range of different Bioware NPCs. Initially we chose classes that seemed to offer more chance of success, but then switched to choosing a random class from the list of those not yet attempted. MP69 saw us having tried every starting character class available within BGEE and since then we've just played with random classes.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    edited August 2016
    Total runs attempted up to MP 110 - 127

    Total runs failed in BG1 - 62
    Total runs completing BG1, but failed in SoA - 54
    Total runs completing SoA, but failed in ToB - 10
    Total runs completing ToB - 1

    There are more runs than MP attempts as we have restarted a number of combinations - usually when we've felt they were particularly unlucky or otherwise deserved another chance. Seven of the above failures in BG1 were deaths of companions when we were playing under the rules of no resurrection for either character. A number of other failures have been the result of the companion being chunked, imprisoned or vorpalled.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    edited August 2016
    Autopsy list.

    The Bioware post linked the runs below to the final post for each run within the no-reload threads. At some point in the future if those threads are copied elsewhere I may be able to re-establish the links, but they're not currently available.

    1 Nawgrim and Peer. Charname killed by trapped container in Brynnlaw
    2 Nadir and Kaxir. Companion chunked by Spellhold greater mummy while in inventory!
    3 Berserker and Cavalier. No link, berserker caught by 15hp rage expiry after Mirianne's ogres defeated.
    4 Boor and Perry. Thaxxy chunks companion then charname
    5 Scion and Cyill. Charname steps into beholder/gauth range
    6 Mayse and Khazad. Charname tries to melee mind flayers
    7 Bubble and Fomin. Companion imprisoned by Kangaxx while sanctuaried
    8 Pendal and Thimble. Melissan is defeated, but Pendal chooses to remain with his companion
    9 Bronzer and Reyna. Charname failed to account for the saving throw penalty on Finger of Death
    10 Taffy and Tibbs. Charname mysteriously collapses after area transition
    11 Sati and Vurro. Charname got too close to Prebek and was targeted by hold person
    12 Khrang and Khrog. Charname out-pathed in the Planar Prison
    13 Twinkletoe and Ether. Charname dominated in Tanova ambush
    14 Stari and Maldor. Charname stunned by Tanova in vampire HQ
    15 Tyran and Titas Adukaars. Charname died mysteriously in final battle in Spellhold
    16(1&2) Nasha and Charel. Charname shot in bandit ambush / Companion killed when rest disturbed
    16(3) Nasha and Charel. Companion killed in ambush
    16(4) Nasha and Charel. Companion dies in suicide pact with guard
    16(5&6) Nasha and Charel. Undocumented death and Companion killed by Shoal's kiss
    16(7) Nasha and Charel. Companion killed by lightning bolt trap
    16(8) Nasha and Charel. Charname eaten by a wolf
    16(9) Nasha and Charel. Companion followed outside by Jalantha's flamestrike
    16(10) Nasha and Charel. Nymph dominates doppleganger and turns Duke Belt hostile
    16(11) Nasha and Charel. Charname too slow in running away from Thaxy
    17 Choler and Maris. Charname stunned and vorpalled by kuo-toan demon knights
    18 Quash and Berud. Charname intelligence drained by his own illithid!
    19 Gambit and Roseblade. Charname failed to use spell protections against Cloakwood Mine party
    20 Om and Brock. Charname was another victim of Jalantha's flamestrike
    21 Leery and various NPCs. Charname fails to run away quickly enough from Bandit Camp tent
    22 Rose and Grub. Companion backstabbed and Charname confused at Guarded Compound
    23(1) Rue and Murl. Companion imprisoned when Kangaxx ignored protection from undead
    23(2) Rue and Murl. Charname investigates a petrification trap while waiting for Companion to be unmazed
    23(3) Rue and Murl. Charname expires of lagged fire shield damage while attacking Imix
    24 Wallop and Dwarberg. Charname backstabbed in 4th pocket plane challenge
    25(1) Tensor and Rache. Greater dopplegangers kill the dukes at the coronation
    25(2) Tensor and Rache. Charname finds mustard jelly to be no protection against a dungeon acid trap
    25(3) Tensor and Roche. Companion shot by a laggy kobold
    25(4) Tensor and Roche. Charname is dissolved by a single black dragon acid breath
    26(1) Stiel and Andal. Charname stunned by a dart from Bor
    26(2) Stiel and Andal. Charname meleed by Melissan while trying to drag her into traps
    27 Antimel and Sajome. Both characters dominated simultaneously by vampires
    28 Focus and Diffy. Charname imprisoned by Kangaxx
    29 Aubrey and Blagg. Charname fried by repeated discharges from the wand trap in Irenicus' dungeon
    30 Treacle and Dunovr. Charname breathed on by his dragon disciple companion
    31 Ivy and Derva. Charname died of some unknown effect by Firkraag
    32 Torn and Jinga. Charname protection from petrification spell ran out against a basilisk
    33 Reb and Jinga. Charname drained by vampiric wraiths in Watcher's Keep
    34 Spiro and Schuern. Charname was dominated and then killed his companion
    35 Leila and Daphne. Charname petrified herself with a chromatic orb against the spell-turning clone
    36 Omen and Cnerd. Charname horrified by Venkt in the bandit tent and died of spell damage
    37 Slough and Varrel. Charname surprised by a teleporting dragon
    38(1) George and Larua. Charname slow to react to an ambush at level 1
    38(2) George and Larua. Charname asphyxiated by friendly fire against Bassilus
    39 Serg and Naz. Charname falls to Daveorn's lightning bolt through the wall trick
    40 Anon and Jhak. Basilisk petrifies companion and charname one after the other
    41 Melody and Forma. Charname held by hamadryad and torn to pieces before companion could intervene
    42 Rees and Derrack. Charname absent-mindedly opens a petrification-trapped door before Derrack could do the job
    43 Waltz and Hallie. Companion uses no acid protection against Draconis and is chunked by breath
    44 Boon and Blaek. Charname fails to equip a helmet and goes down to a single hit from a gnoll at level 3
    45 Caddy and Xzur. Charname is confused by Thaxy and rapidly chomped
    46 Tweedle and Guarh. Companion is vorpalled by the fallen solar at the Throne
    47 Schwarz and Wroth. Charname finds that running scared in the vampires' spike room is a bad idea
    48 Atrax and Lacca. Charname chooses the wrong conversation option to accuse Sarevok at the palace
    49 Loqi and Wroth. Charname found that magic protection does not help against a beholder death ray
    50 Lucent and Fendor. Grond0 manages to overwrite the only save for these characters
    51 Amend and Tenju. Charname fails to put on lightning protection before being targeted by a bouncing bolt from Conster
    52 Barbra and Demaclyne. Charname accidentally gets into melee with an illithid and is drained
    53 Praes and Dally. Charname was too slow to react when confronted by an ambushing basilisk
    54 Jackie and Pariah. The duo are spotted entering the Planar Prison and fail to deal with attacks
    55 Johnnie and Cower. The dopplegangers at the palace prove to be exceptionally vicious
    56 Regret and Fabdab. Karlat takes so long to swing his axe he hits Charname emerging the other side of a pillar
    57 Triad and Brozar. Charname finds in Candlekeep the level 1 protection against one-shotting is not working properly
    58 Flash and Nabitall. Charname has an unexpected meeting with a kobold commando
    59 May and Blaggerd. Companion is stuck on the wrong side of the door from some rampaging umber hulks
    60 Fly and Fusty. Charname is targeted by an ambushing basilisk
    61 Sleight and Pighte. Belt is not convinced by documents on the body of a dead companion at the palace
    62 Vary and Loryl. Poor communication results in Sarevok hacking down Charname while he was in his inventory
    63 Stalwart and Dasha. Failure to reapply protection from petrification proves costly for Charname
    64 Possess and Weystead. Charname is too slow to avoid a teleporting phase spider
    65 Nippy and Joye. Charname fails to notice Daveorn summoning a ghoul ...
    66 Chanter and Tuori. Charname summons the Cowled Wizards and fails to escape from them
    67 Radix and Herron. Charname adds more skeletons to Bassilus' collection and doesn't survive the joint attack
    68 Passe and Tosty. Charname refuses to use a potion to cure spider poison and pays the price
    69 Rehash and Ervali. Cheesy cowled wizards stun Charname before loosing a deadly ADHW
    70(1) St John and Vargus. Kangaxx being rendered unkillable by a bug causes Charname to drop his guard
    70(2) St John and Vargus. Companion imprisoned after we were too slow killing an elder orb
    71 Tag and Gharr. Charname too slow to move away under attack from Meilum
    72 Tag and Kriax. Charname is horrified by Venkt and Companion narrowly fails to defeat the opposition by himself
    73 Eyesore and Danya. Companion tries to melee Sendai and is chunked by a harm assault
    74 Lug and Slug. Charname is paralysed by a gauth, leaving Companion too much to do to survive on his own
    75 Ruff and Justice. The Unseeing Eye metes out some rough justice of its own to end a promising run
    76 Deana and Rhunn. Companion is held by a ghast before being chunked by a bone golem
    77 Sikret and Rouall. Charname finds her aura clouded 12 hours after last casting a spell and falls to a bandit ambush
    78 Cinders and Fraye. Charname finds 24 HPs is no match for a critical hit by a gnoll
    79 Risqe and Pallor. Charname finds that running from a mage using PW:stun is not easy ...
    80 Evan and Porril. Lag effects allows Companion to melee Charname to death from half a screen away
    81 Drizzl and Mhae. Charname tries to open the wrong chest and finds the experience petrifying
    82 Petra and Ayce. An attempt to grease the path of the dopplegangers at the palace goes horribly wrong
    83 Pasha and Rholfre. Charname gets hit by "Quivers down my backbone" from Balthazar
    84 Kaos and Murvil. Charname is hit by an imaginary arrow during an ambush
    85 Seer and Viglen. A "two for the price of one" ambush deal sees the end of a second pairing in the day
    86 Rabbit and Vungoh. Mutamin proves too quick on the acid arrow draw for Charname
    87 Raport and Ghurli. Charname finds out too late she is short of a critical bit of protection
    88 Nurk and Shady. Charname continues the recent poor run by failing to outpace a bear
    89 Ira and Strofii. Rayic Gethras shows his annoyance by giving both characters the finger
    90 Fael and Nock. Both characters take no precautions and fall victim to the Tanar'ri death gaze
    91 Obsidian and Titch. Charname finds vampiric wraiths blocking his exit from Watcher's Keep
    92 Simon and Worka. Charname is not quick enough to dodge a basilisk's bite
    93 Chris and Gromm. Charname finds getting sticky feet is not a good idea near a guardian golem
    94 Tony and Flena. Charname discovers the hard way that paralysis from the Master of Thralls does not offer a save vs death
    95 Frindall and Dhaorem. Charname gets a harsh lesson in not relying on 'automatic' saves
    96 Cara and Helberg. Charname is over-reliant on staff invisibility when true sight is running
    97 Sera and Flicka. Charname fails to spot a laggy Meilum moving in for the one-shot kill
    98 Lira and Nauhh. Charname wanders into the path of a horror spell and fails to recover
    99 Mort and Seer. Charname finds that curiosity (about traps) killed the cat sorcerer
    100 Robin and Treacletoes. Sarevok is given a bit too much space at the palace and chops Belt in half
    101 Sean and Joak. Another run ended by a dragon moving at blinding speed
    102 Pern and Axmin. Wearing the wrong ring exposes Charname to being dominated
    103 Zen and Denna. Monks should be more careful about letting golems wander nearby
    104 MM and Horge. An archer ambush sorts out Charname early on
    105 Swan and Vyen. The EE palace fight claims another victim
    106 Barak and Flugg. Charname fails to take proper account of some harder-hitting skeleton warriors
    107 Clone and Suerj. If at first a surge fails to kill the PC, try, try again
    108 Mixie and Penance. EE bug on half-elf charm resistance proves costly against sirines
    109 Park and Eclipse. Charname pays the price for a failure to pause the game while writing notes
    110 Sael and Kally. Charname tries to get a quick kill on Baerin, but fails ...
    111 Eve and Carthus.
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