Color Blind

Can't tell you how many times my "disability" has affected my complete game appreciations (not to mention real life issues).
While my problem is relatively minor, it is still aggravating and rather time consuming. It has to due with the spells memorized for both mages and priests. Once in the bar of memorized spells about 50% or more fade and can't be seen or are otherwise unrecognizable. A mouse over would solve the problem or different color palette option.
Really have no disillusion that anything will change but I feel better having ranted.
While my problem is relatively minor, it is still aggravating and rather time consuming. It has to due with the spells memorized for both mages and priests. Once in the bar of memorized spells about 50% or more fade and can't be seen or are otherwise unrecognizable. A mouse over would solve the problem or different color palette option.
Really have no disillusion that anything will change but I feel better having ranted.
That will put it into our internal system so that we can track it more effectively. (The Feature Requests forum here is helpful for discussion, but it isn't as likely to lead to your requested feature being implemented.)