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Help! I'm not an outlaw and the Nashkel cops won't leave me alone!

New group goes to Nashkel. No problems. Do some shopping, pick up a juicy contract about this witch and a few errands from the fat kid in the center of town. Decide I want to change up the roster, ditch the annoyihg girl who keeps calling me "boffleheaded." Go back up north to pick up of mutts named Montaron and Xzar. Go to Friendly Arm Inn to turn in some quests. Make some more changes to my line up.

Now, as I'm leaving, the two guards outside the Inn manage to get themselves dead. Is that anybody's fault? Not that I can see. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. My group -- Shar-teel, Montaron, Viconia, Edwin, Eldoth -- are happy, and that is all that matters.

My group is -- wrongly, I might add, because nobody can prove they were involved -- DESPISED (Reputation 4). The townspeople and vendors at the good ole FAI don't seem too angry though. Nobody attacks us. But maybe they were just playing it smart and didn't want to get dead either.

Anyway, I shrug it off and go about my business. Travel back down south. Work my way through the Cloud Peak Mountains to the Gnoll Fortress and finish the contract I have with Edwin. (Unpleasant business, that, but a deal is a deal).

Decide to go back to Nashkel and sell off my piles of fat loot -- I'm going to be rich!

And here my troubles begin. Every single guard in Nashkel is violently hostile to me. They start shooting as soon as we make eye contact. Whoops! Guess they heard the rumors.

I high tail it out of town and go north again, to the temple outside of Beregost. I love the temples. Those simps *know* where the money comes from but they'll take it just the same. I get in good enough with the priests that my group is now just UNLIKED (Reputation 8) rather than despised. Good enough, I think.

Go back down south to Nashkel ... and the damn cops are still in a "shoot first, ask later" frame of mind. Seriously, who polices a town like that? It seems irresponsible. Responsible as I am, I don't fight back because there's no percentage in killing them or hurting innocents.

Instead, I make a beeline for the temple at the center of town. I dump more cash down the priest's throat and they like me so much I've become POPULAR (Reputaiton 13). Unfortunately, I'm also broke but I figure as long as Montaron and Edwin don't realize I gave all their money to the temple, I'll be fine.

Go back outside. First cop I see ignores me. Great stuff! I'm in the clear!

But no -- I walk down to the east edge of town to check out the carnival, and there they are again, shouting for the "Glory of Arm" and notching fresh arrows before I can open my mouth.

What the hell? Did the temple goons pull a fast one on me? Some of the Nashkel cops ignore me and do nothing as I walk past, others want me dead. Never seen that before. And it seems no matter how beloved I become in the eyes of the general populace, I can't change this.

A little help, fellow adventurers, and maybe I can throw a few coin your way. Edwin tells me might have more work for the right kind of party.


TL;DR - Lowered my rep to 4, cleared 4-5 zones, went back to Nashkel and the guards are hostile. I can still talk to quest givers, commoners, and vendors. Raised my rep from 4 to 8 and then to 13 at the temples, and now only *some* Nashkel guards are hostile while others are not. No Flaming Fist or mercs are spawning, but no matter what I do I can't get *all* the guards to be friendly.

Is this some kind of bug? Is my game borked?


  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    In my experience, sometime people who have already turned hostile remain so for the rest of the game. It may be that the Nashkel guards who were hostile towards you earlier are the same ones who are hostile towards you now, but that others who did not see you when you had a low reputation are not hostile.

    If that's what happened, I don't know how to fix it other than to kill the hostile ones first and then buy back your reputation.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Kill them Jimmy.
    Burn them all.
  • MatteoTuriniMatteoTurini Member Posts: 105
    Or try charming them... Maybe when the spell goes off, they'll be back to neutral and not hostile. (It's just an idea, I have no clue if it would work.)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Once the guards go hostile they don't go back. You entering the town with 4 rep likely did this, though I can't explain the guards deaths (spontaneous combustion?).
  • TehCerealKillerTehCerealKiller Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2012
    If you do kill them, use the EnableCheatKeys cheat so it doesn't reflect on your party's rep
  • GallengerGallenger Member Posts: 400
    Just charm them and then have them walk far, far away - then make a mental note never to go there again. I can't remember if you can lock charmed people in buildings, but that'd be handy too lol.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    I'd reload from an earlier save and not kill the previous guards that set all this off in the first place... It's not like they gave any good loot anyway :-P Using charm on them all is just gonna create more buggy problems later.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited October 2012
    If you *do* want to kill a few Amnish guards without consequences, clear out the Bunkhouse after intimidating the first guard to leave. You can get a couple cool dragonwing helmets and they have the chance of popping a 2nd level Mage scroll too. Plus then you can raid the chests in there after they're dead with no penalties. Just remember to do this A) In the daytime so no one is sleeping in the beds that'll go hostile. B) You intimidate the guard who talk to you when you first walk in so he leaves and only two guards remain. Also make sure your rep is high enough so that after you clear the bunkhouse, folks outside don't go hostile. Best thing is If you charm one to attack the other and make sure the non-charmed one kills your charmie first, you only use rep for killing one guard ;-)
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    The true question is how your reputation dropped down to a ridiculous 4 in the first place. Have you been killing kids around town or something? Also, please don't use terms such as 'mutts' for characters...There are ways to explain your problem also in a perfectly polite manner, afterall.
  • badbromancebadbromance Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2012
    Well i'm guessing his CHARNAME is evil or neutral at best. Add in a few 'unfortunate' deaths and rep 4 is quite achievable.

    Edit: It would seem the OP is speaking as his character would be pleading his case. So Idon't see his comments about 'mutts' something to worry about? Unless i'm way off.
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    1) Burn down the town.
    2) Kill the hostiles.
    3) ...
    4) Profit!
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Yeah - go swipe Algernons cloak and charm them mofos into oblivion. Then either let your charmed minions take care of their hostile compatriots (can't remember if that lowers rep further) or as someone else mentioned go lock them in somewhere for the rest of the game.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    edited October 2012
    3)MDK sans reputation change
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 2012

    The true question is how your reputation dropped down to a ridiculous 4 in the first place. Have you been killing kids around town or something? Also, please don't use terms such as 'mutts' for characters...There are ways to explain your problem also in a perfectly polite manner, afterall.

    Yes, he was killing kids around town. That's what badass mutts do, you know.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    I gues you just forgot to pay a ticket :)
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Trent commented several months ago that they would look at Guards reaction to reputation, and see if they can tweak it. If you tweak it to much, there's no reason to be good.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    Trent commented several months ago that they would look at Guards reaction to reputation, and see if they can tweak it. If you tweak it to much, there's no reason to be good.

    Cheaper goods is the main reason to have a high reputation anyway.

  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    Can't wait for BG:EE to come out, that's exactly the way I'd be playing it.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I've been experimenting lately. I believe if you drop your reputation below 1, then donate to church to get it back up, you should lay low outside of towns for a while. That's what I've done, and then when I come back I don't have issues. One time I came back too soon and the Amnish Soldiers immediately started firing at me, despite my 11 Rep. I left, explored a long time (it's probably just programmed to be over 24 hours, but idk you never know it might be more), and came back and it was fine.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Kitteh on a cloud getting offended in another thread? Say it ain't so!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    stygga said:

    Kitteh on a cloud getting offended in another thread? Say it ain't so!

    Pfff hahaha she has a reputation I see! But I'm relatively sure it's above 4, so it's all good.
  • M6k3M6k3 Member Posts: 180
    #Brude please tell me how you took Rasaad quest and find Cloud Peak, i just have him from lvl 2 and he dont talk at all to me its little bit frustrating becouse i want explore new area ;/
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