Are enlarge/reduce effects possible somehow?

I have no idea if this is possible with this engine or what Beamdog will make of it, so I have to ask... Is there any way to increase the size of a sprite, the appearance of a BAM that is, or shrink it? Not through modding, but perhaps through an engine change? It could be very nice for things like the Enlarge/Reduce spell. This engine, from what I understand, is basically a painted background across which cardboard cut-outs, creatures and effects, are pulled. Some kind of magnification lens-type mechanism "in front" doesn't seem completely impossible... or is it?
I'd suggest limiting your scope to one creature, rather than trying to do all at once, and see how it goes. If it goes well then decide how many more you want to do. @subtledoctor, myself or others could possibly assist with any roadblocks you run into.