Rogue Rebalancing Mod
I already know that this is a well made mod. I just wanted to get some feedback from anyone who has used this mod extensively and can tell me what they thought about the class kit changes compared to vanilla. The swashbuckler for example looks to be more powerful than it's vanilla counterpart.
Since SoD and 2.0 I am not using the kit class changes, as I am now trying the new (weakened) 2.0 poison ability and vanilla bounty hunter traps (I have only played the BH with RR so have never used a maze trap...yet!). I do add the items though as I think they are great. I also still use TWF for all thieves as I find it logical and not unbalanced.
I have read a lot about the bard class and HLA changes being well-liked by others, but I have not played a bard in EE so cannot comment. I have not played as a swashbuckler ever (a thief without backstab??!!), so no comment on that one either.
I liked the HLA changes. I agree with @subtledoctor on this mod making things seem more 'honest', which I take as logical. Of the HLA changes, really the bounty hunter is the one that get's nerfed, not the assassin IMO.
- Rogues can put three pips in Two-Weapon Style. Doesn't do much for Swashbucklers and Blades (though Blades get the pips for free) but all around it makes all rogues more effective in combat because they can gain +1 APR (or more with speed weapons) without their Thac0 suffering.
- The revised Alchemy HLA might seem inconsequential at first glance but in practice it's a very cheap store with unlimited potions. Such as a rogue-only potion to raise STR to 21 for 2 hours.
- The revised Scribe Scrolls HLA for Bards allow them to put their memorized spells onto a scroll. High level spells are very expensive to scribe but low/mid level ones are cheap as hell, and Thieves can also use them with UAI. Not to mention, RR Bards can cast spells up to level 8 and by the time HLAs roll around you can pretty much get unlimited money.
- Bards gain Lingering Song as a HLA, meaning they can do something useful while their song effects persist for a while. Skalds and Jesters particularly benefit from this since they get a special Enhanced Bard Song too!
All around rogues are less exploitative (especially with epic traps, though they're still very powerful) but stronger in a straight fight and much much stronger with preparation (scrolls and potions).
Because of this I wouldn't recommend to only install the kit changes because it's the part with the nerfs.
Go for it, you can never miss.
I really think RR gets the backstab progression right more than vanilla. Now I am wondering if death attack is the same. It seems to really expand the assassin repertoire.
What melee weapons are you using for the F/Ts? RR adds that wonderful revised SSoB in both BGEE and BGEE2, as I am sure you know, as well as a smattering of interesting daggers in SoA.
I really dig the RR bucklers also and use them often, especially Safeguard. It works well with thrown weapons, but also in melee with the added AC and the +1 to hit and damage from Bless. A Halfling assassin using darts (like the RR returning frost dart or actually any) and the Safeguard buckler can really keep up the damage.
Windows, BGEE/BG2EE 2.3
@AlexT I've download v4.8, but couldn't find a .exe installer.
Is this the right one?
Weapon-wise all my thieves are using the new SSoB which is glorious among other daggers and clubs. No staves. I understand they're fantastic but, to me, they make no I'm also using a lot of the RR bucklers as well and they are fantastic. I have not tried to Safeguard buckler however so I will have to try it out. Thanks for the tip.
I also think of Assassins as more of sneaky ranged characters, even with the RR TWFx3.
On QSs, yes I hear you. Thematically they are a stretch. But I was won over to the dark side after I tested and discovered how much more consistently they deal out higher damage on backstabs, even in BG1 with the QS +3 and then later with the +4 QS in SoA. I would not use them on a smaller shorty because it looks funky with their sprites, e.g. Halfling, Gnome, so I do still draw the thematic line there, but I am using them these days with my Dwarven and Elven thieves. They are just mechanically so superior to anything else except the RR SSoB, which I tend to use with a buckler anyway until I get 2 TWF pips. I do try to justify the QS, e.g. I imagine my thieves using the QS as utility poles, twirling them in combat, parrying blows, etc. I believe Nori used something like one in the Hobbit movies and he seemed thiefly. I am a role-player with power gamer tendencies it seems...
I will also take advantage of TWF x3 using RR, but not until SoA level-ups at 12, 16 and 20. I am not going to use the RR kit changes, as I am ok with the current 2.0 poison and the always useful +1THACO/damage is more appealing to me than Death Attack, since the +1 is for the entire run and not just later in the saga. I will miss the earlier backstab modifier though, for sure.
Good luck with finishing WK!