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Can I get a double-check for this?

chimericchimeric Member Posts: 1,163
There is something weird that happens in a spell of mine. Here is the story. The spell does 1000 damage to the target, and I want to allow the body to explode if it is a summoned creature or anyone other than the player characters - it is more spectacular that way; but I want to prevent chunking of PCs. According to the G3 guide and my experience, the Disable Permanent Death opcode only works if you set the duration to 9 - Instant/Permanent; then it makes the creature forever immune to getting chunked. I don't want to give this permanent immunity to the PCs, only temporarily protect them.

What to do? I decided to use two Apply Effects List effects in the spell. One links to a secondary spell, the other to a tertiary spell. Both do 1000 damage, but the first is restricted to non-PCs, and the second restricted to PCs. The spell that is for everyone except the PCs does Slashing damage, which chunks; the spell for the party does Magic damage, which doesn't chunk. What I'm discovering is that for some reason the PCs-only effect doesn't trigger, it gets completely bypassed when I cast the main spell on a PC, like Branwen. It is higher up in the list of effects, so it ought to go first. It just sits there. Instead PCs and non-PCs get hit by the other spell, chunking them.

Here I have before me Near Infinity, where I do everything, and looking at these two Apply filters again - the Probabilities fool-proofed, the mini-spells followed to and checked also. Here one of these Applies says EA, and the other says !EA. And it just doesn't work. The spell linked to on this screenshot is what hits Branwen:

Can I get a test on this? Can someone please make something that fires only for PCs and only for non-PCs, and see if that works in your installation? It could still be an error on my end, or maybe there is a problem with this particular filter.
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  • chimericchimeric Member Posts: 1,163
    For those who are interested, my information has been confirmed and the !EA = PC filter really doesn't work. Neither does the "neither myconid nor undead" filter in the same list. I'd like to know about any other failed filters.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    I'm pretty sure that PC means the Player Character, not Player Controlled. So it would only extend to the Charname.
  • chimericchimeric Member Posts: 1,163
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    PC stands for party member in ea.ids. For non-party player-controlled actors there's ALLY and/or (?) CONTROLLED.

    Regarding the 326 targeting failure... not sure why.
  • chimericchimeric Member Posts: 1,163
    Rrrrrr. That's what I said, PCs! When did that begin to mean Player-Controlled? Edwin, Imoen, CHARNAME and the lot of them - there is no way to get a spell to affect them and only them, without some workaround.
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