Amount of text allowed in the feedback screen

Sometimes the amount of text allowed in the feedback screen is not enough to track long battles. I just arrived to Ust Natha and I just couldn't allow the drow to kill the helpless duergar, so I started a full front attack. The battle is just starting, it's been only three or four rounds, but the amount of text in the feedback screen is already too much, so the text at the beginning is lost. Now I don't know what buffs the Overseer Handmaiden has.
The picture below displays the top of the feedback screen, which belongs to a moment when the battle is already underway.
Can this be modified? Is there a setting to allow more text in this screen?

The picture below displays the top of the feedback screen, which belongs to a moment when the battle is already underway.
Can this be modified? Is there a setting to allow more text in this screen?
