Black Pits No Death Run

After playing and replaying the Black Pits and It's sequel, I am attempting a new run with no deaths, after practicing several times where each time my run is pretty much flawless until I get to the fight with the slime and the trolls, from there everything goes downhill, mind you I am prone to repeating the same battles several times to level up my team and update my equipment as new items show up in the vendors, but somehow, past that point I lose my cool and begin dying at least once each fight.
All my practice runs were made with my definitive team (The one i found the most comfortable to play and so far most effective).
Feel free to send in some advice.
Valrieth - Elf - Dragon Disciple/Damage Dealer - The arrogant and snobbish mother of the team, not even her family could stand her that's why she ended up with this bunch of misfits.
(I mostly use her for area effect spells, and boosts like haste that's why I chose Dragon Discipline and it's special ability)
William - Human - Fighter/Main Tank - Kicked from the army for being extremely stubborn, failed as a mercenary and now only drinks and brawls
(Tank, not much else to tell)
Ulrich - Human - Kensai/Damage Dealer - Previously a nomad from the northern lands, turned monk, turned wanderer, basically considered a freak due to his odd mannerisms and strange accent (Think Russian)
(Can also serve as a tank later on thanks to the purchase of various magical items)
Azarell - Half Orc - Assassin/Sniper - Basically a pariah given how he looks just like an orc rather than a half orc, failed as a thief, got a bounty on his head not only for attempting to steal from a noble's daughter, but trashing her room in the process by accident (It was too dark) so he changed his name from Azarall to AzaRELL and turned into a terrible bounty hunter (Sadly not fond of the bounty hunter class, but I pretend he is still is a bounty hunter)
(Basically he makes sure archers and mages don't get in the way of the rest of the team by using poisoned arrows)
Gwynsyl - Dwarf - Dwarven Defender/Secondary Tank - The most noble and capable warrior in the team, but rather loud and with hardly any manners anywhere, she is a tad unusually tall for a dwarf, so she can come off as a rather short and stocky human woman, also she is a bit obsessed on the concept of "Honor" and "Pride"
(Tank, not much else to tell)
Yoshai - Half Elf - Cleric/Healer/Booster - Wanted to be a druid, but was not fit for the task, so took to the road to practice magic alone and become one, but due to accidentally causing harm to others and then trying to heal them, she became a wandering cleric, cleric as she only heals those who were harmed due to her magic practice.
(Healer and Booster)
I have found no weak link among the party, so I suspect it's the party itself, but as I said, it's very effective early on up to the point I have mentioned, any help would be great.
All my practice runs were made with my definitive team (The one i found the most comfortable to play and so far most effective).
Feel free to send in some advice.
Valrieth - Elf - Dragon Disciple/Damage Dealer - The arrogant and snobbish mother of the team, not even her family could stand her that's why she ended up with this bunch of misfits.
(I mostly use her for area effect spells, and boosts like haste that's why I chose Dragon Discipline and it's special ability)
William - Human - Fighter/Main Tank - Kicked from the army for being extremely stubborn, failed as a mercenary and now only drinks and brawls
(Tank, not much else to tell)
Ulrich - Human - Kensai/Damage Dealer - Previously a nomad from the northern lands, turned monk, turned wanderer, basically considered a freak due to his odd mannerisms and strange accent (Think Russian)
(Can also serve as a tank later on thanks to the purchase of various magical items)
Azarell - Half Orc - Assassin/Sniper - Basically a pariah given how he looks just like an orc rather than a half orc, failed as a thief, got a bounty on his head not only for attempting to steal from a noble's daughter, but trashing her room in the process by accident (It was too dark) so he changed his name from Azarall to AzaRELL and turned into a terrible bounty hunter (Sadly not fond of the bounty hunter class, but I pretend he is still is a bounty hunter)
(Basically he makes sure archers and mages don't get in the way of the rest of the team by using poisoned arrows)
Gwynsyl - Dwarf - Dwarven Defender/Secondary Tank - The most noble and capable warrior in the team, but rather loud and with hardly any manners anywhere, she is a tad unusually tall for a dwarf, so she can come off as a rather short and stocky human woman, also she is a bit obsessed on the concept of "Honor" and "Pride"
(Tank, not much else to tell)
Yoshai - Half Elf - Cleric/Healer/Booster - Wanted to be a druid, but was not fit for the task, so took to the road to practice magic alone and become one, but due to accidentally causing harm to others and then trying to heal them, she became a wandering cleric, cleric as she only heals those who were harmed due to her magic practice.
(Healer and Booster)
I have found no weak link among the party, so I suspect it's the party itself, but as I said, it's very effective early on up to the point I have mentioned, any help would be great.