[HACK] Auto-Identify without scrolls or spells

Fed up wasting those spell slots, or stumping up cash to get your stuff identified?
Here's a very simple UI.menu hack...
Search for:
You'll find it in the itemDescLeftButtonAction() function.
Just replace that line with:
and voila!
Now when you right-click to view the item description - just click identify to identify it.
If you feel that's too much like cheating then replace that line with these instead:
You can change the line 'costGold = 50' to however much you want to pay and it will check that you have that much and make an error noise if you don't have enough.
Now you are 'paying' for the service of identifying, you just don't need to go somewhere special to perform it
Here's a very simple UI.menu hack...
Search for:
You'll find it in the itemDescLeftButtonAction() function.
Just replace that line with:
itemDesc.item = characters[id].equipment[selectedSlot].item --update itemDesc item
and voila!
Now when you right-click to view the item description - just click identify to identify it.
If you feel that's too much like cheating then replace that line with these instead:
costGold = 50
if characters[id].gold >= costGold then
itemDesc.item = characters[id].equipment[selectedSlot].item --update itemDesc item
You can change the line 'costGold = 50' to however much you want to pay and it will check that you have that much and make an error noise if you don't have enough.
Now you are 'paying' for the service of identifying, you just don't need to go somewhere special to perform it

Post edited by Mr2150 on
EDIT - I just updated the code so you can choose how much each identify is worth when you first edit the UI.menu