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Any tips for killing YXUNOMEI
I am getting overwhelmed, so what worked for you?


  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    To deal with the initial rush I use lots of persistent AoE effects like Stinking Cloud, Grease, Entangle, Web, Glitterdust, Recitation, Greater Malison, Cloudkill, Prayer, Curse. Yxonomei herself adds a Cloudkill to the mix so if you engage her initially and then retreat she'll drop that on your character and you can target the rest of your spells inside its AoE.

    I also try to keep as many summons up as possible - usually via Animate Dead.

    Once all the enemies are in play and hopefully nicely bunched up can throw some Skull Traps and other nukes.

    On Insane a bunch of mages spawn behind, these are usually my first priority - can hit them with Remove Magic to deal with their combat protections.

    Having an archer with the Sseth Bow and +2 Arrows is the quickest way to deal with Yxonomei herself, otherwise hit her with Chromatic Orbs until one stuns her.
  • acolyteacolyte Member Posts: 36
    What's your party composition? What difficulty?

    I usually play on 'heart of fury' mode so my fighter/druid dual class is at a fairly good level (about 7/11). Just cast insect plague on where the mages would spawn, cast iron skin and starmetal cudgel (she's an outsider so 2d6 bonus damage). Keep their clerics pinned down with my ranged fire and their own archers are kept busy with summons. One of the best characters to completely screw over their clerics is the blackguard with Sseth bow and poison weapon.

    As Wowo said, Yezzie herself often does a cloudkill spell of some sort. If you want, you can prepare a zone of sweet air if it annoys you.

    On all difficulties, I find the third (or fourth?) level priest spell 'farsight' to be very useful to keep full vision right from the start. You really want to also avoid the traps which can be done simply by memorizing where they are.

    If you have a bard and bought the bardic horn earlier, you can summon them right on top of the snakemen archers to draw their aggro. The same for monster summoning (low levels). The cast time is fairly short.

    What have you tried so far?

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  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2016
    I never fight her in her chambers - one character in to pull out the Cloud Kill, everybody else stays back out by the outer door that closes and locks. (Careful not to be outside that door. It will break the game if your lure character dies and the rest of the party is locked outside.)

    That creates a kill zone that Yxy has a hard time getting through, because her own yuan-ti and monster summons will be in her way. Further clogging up the room with friendly monster summons is very useful.

    I can usually get all her casters down, or at least 2 or 3 of them, before she can get out there. I concentrate on killing the casters before they can disable anybody. My fighters usually have enough AC to go at least two or three rounds with Yxy if need be. She goes down pretty fast when you can concentrate ranged fire on her. Also, she is surprisingly vulnerable to Chromatic Orb. I often win by stunning her with my mage.

    If you have a non-good fighter, the armor in the room to the northeast is very helpful, and make sure you pick up all the +2 arrows from the room southwest of her chambers.
    Post edited by BelgarathMTH on
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    At the end of the day, killing Yxuno (and her hoards) boils down to 2 main objectives:
    1. KILL the wizards who appear behind you as quickly as possible.
    2. DELAY Yxuno and the others in the room for as long as you can, at least until the wizards are dead.

    To accomplish the second goal, pour as many summonses and AoE spells into the room as possible.

    Also, if you're lucky, Yxuno will just zero-in on a single target, allowing your other party members to hack and fire away at her as she chases after her lone target (see spoiler for pic).

  • gorris75gorris75 Member Posts: 60
    my thanks for all the posts . I have learned a lot--still getting swamped, so I keep refining my strategy to find a winner. tough fight.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Just don't be frustrated, mate. It is a tough fight (the more difficult of all Infinity Engine games IMO).

    I play this game for over 10 years and I still can't manage a 100% winner strategy against her. It's a mix of timing, strategy, positioning and luck.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    I have tried several different strategies and frequently the difference is in the rolls. A number of different strategies can be used to beat her and the cohorts. You can use the same strategy and due to the differences in the dice rolls the outcome can be completely different. A missed save or two, a critical hit at the right time by an enemy or a critical miss at JUST the wrong time by your tank and it is reload city versus everybody limping over and giving each other bloody high fives.

    It is one of the things I love most about these games. :D
  • gorris75gorris75 Member Posts: 60
    Finally got YX dead. as noted in recent posts, it was" just" a matter of trying different strategies which afforded me the opportunity to figure out what , when and how to fight.
    All of a sudden I realized that I was winning , Yx dropped and it was simply a matter of cleaning up the scene.. Glad it is over, though. Thanks to all for the help.
  • acolyteacolyte Member Posts: 36
    If it's any consolation to you, the next area you'll visit is quite generous in terms of loot. IIRC, the shopkeeper there also seems to offer higher prices for your stuff compared to what the shopkeepers in Kuldahar offer.
  • FlamensteinFlamenstein Member Posts: 2
    Just bought this game at GOG with a sale. Well it took me couple of tries, and I did manage to take her down, not before my cleric/ranger and my evil fighter have gone down. My strategy was pretty simple - using the summoner's staff +3 I have summoned 6 monsters. Then I have talked to the Y-girl, ran back to the room and cast entangle on the doorway. Since my party was hasted with the monsters - they took out some of the yuan-ti. So only two-three archers remained, two priests and y-girl herself. I then cast both of my fireballs to take out remaining archers and kill off some of the yuan-ti stuck in the entangle. Then I have concentrated on taking down the y-girl with all my charchters. She goes down with my cleric/ranger. So my fighter and Undead Hunter with mage, bard and ranged fighter/thief concentarte on those priests. One of the priests takes down the evil fighter and the Undead Hunter is critical. But, I use hammer arrows and both of them go down easy after that.

    I have played on Core rules - so that is not an easy fight. Even some of the more challenging BG2 dragon fights are not this frustrating I think.

    Also, since my dudes have died I couldn't take all the loot and some of it got lost. I should have used the chest to put all my stuff in there, but oh well. Also I usually go for no one dies approach - but this fight is so hard I decided to spend some gold on resurection. AND I should have used those strength potions. You win some, you lose some.

    Keep trying and you will succeed. If you have web and entangle - it's the best combo to cast on the doorway.
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