No discount anymore for prepurchase?

In your "preorder FAQ", it mentions both the "badge", as well as a (10%?) discount. However, When I go to the prepurchase page, where I'm supposed to give my card details, the price is the full 19.99 price tag. Where am I going wrong?
Preorder FAQ quote:
Q: How long will pre-orders go for?
A: You can pre-purchase Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition until the release of the PC version, in November. After that, the price goes to normal and we will no longer offer the forum badge
Thanks in advance for your help.
Preorder FAQ quote:
Q: How long will pre-orders go for?
A: You can pre-purchase Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition until the release of the PC version, in November. After that, the price goes to normal and we will no longer offer the forum badge
Thanks in advance for your help.
Such a big effort from Trent Oster and team to create goodwill around their project... and to screw it with one small thing like this....
In the meantime, you could always email them about it.
@Aosaw thanks. You may be right about there being an explanation to the issue at hand. However, I can't seem to see it. We'll see if someone clears it up.
I know 2$ is not really that much of a deal. However, I lack to see the sense of preloading without SOME sort of benefit. I can buy it after it comes out, and have downloaded and activated it in 30 minutes. And again, I'm sorry but a forum badge just isn't my idea of that.
In any case, thanks for your answers, hopefully someone can clarify the issue.
PD: I've already prepurchased the game. I love the game, and I'm looking forward to the tweaks and new content.
I'm with you on the forum badge--it's nice, but not essential. Being able to preload is a nice perk, but it's like the forum badge: in the end, it doesn't change your experience with the game, except that you get to start sooner.
That said, I can safely say there's nothing about preordering that is worse than purchasing post-ship, if you're planning to buy the game either way.