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Bringing items over to BG2 from SOD...the secret revealed

brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
Anyone able to bring items over from SOD to I was thinking of is the secret revealed and using it on a one of many liches (or demi liches) in BG2EE and workng?


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    That item is not available in vanilla BG2:EE. You can bring it over if you're playing EET however. It appears to work on any lich in the game (but not on demiliches).
  • magaritymagarity Member Posts: 52
    If you want an anti-lich weapon to bring from the first game(s), The Burning Earth from Durlag's does the trick nicely at +4 vs undead.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    Are there SOD items that import into BG2 or otherwise appear there without mods?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    There is a specific, predetermined list of items that can be carried over from BG1/SoD to BG2 as well as predetermined locations within BG2 where those items will be. (Because of your "situation" at the beginning of BG2, it wouldn't have made sense for them to be in your initial inventory.)
  • namarienamarie Member Posts: 52
    argent77 said:

    That item is not available in vanilla BG2:EE. You can bring it over if you're playing EET however. It appears to work on any lich in the game (but not on demiliches).

    Does EET allow you to keep all the items from BG1/SoD?
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Thanks @argent77 yeah may use EET as should be allowed to carry weapons as a couple liches I can save them for....yeah burning earth isnt too bad @magarity carry it over before
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    namarie said:

    argent77 said:

    That item is not available in vanilla BG2:EE. You can bring it over if you're playing EET however. It appears to work on any lich in the game (but not on demiliches).

    Does EET allow you to keep all the items from BG1/SoD?
    Not by default. All inventory items are collected in a hidden and inaccessible container, but you'll need a mod (or a simple console command) to gain access to it.
    You can circumvent it however by storing items in containers yourself since you can travel to BG1 and SoD areas after leaving Chateau Irenicus.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    which console command?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    It depends on where you want to access the content. If you're still in Chateau Irenicus then the following command will place the items into the container behind the picture in the room with starting equipment:
    C:Eval('MoveContainerContents("AR0602*K#ImportContainer", "AR0602*Picture1")')
    If you left the dungeon already then the following command will place the items into a table at the Copper Coronet (near Bernard the barkeeper):
    C:Eval('MoveContainerContents("AR0602*K#ImportContainer", "AR0406*Table5")')
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Awesome thanks alot @argent77 as will be using this on my next run
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    If I remember correctly, k4thos ran into difficulties with the scripts related to K#ImportContainer though.

    A good solution imo is to put every single of your items in containers(manually) before the transition, save the game. Move on with the transition then console in (or EEkeeper) your containers, everything will be as is in those. I tried consoling in the K#ImportContainer but it didn't have much compared to what I had before.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    yeah thats another option for sure, maybe as back up plan just in case.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    By containers, I meant bag of holdings and stuff, you're most likely gonna have all you need on you by the end of SoD.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Yeah that worked for me from my saved game from BGEE to SOD with bag of holding
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