Enable cheats and CTR-J him into the party. Then look yourself. Each battle, because is coded as different creatures, not as the same at different levels. And also doing it you will not find spells that he can cast with some scripts, that don't require to have them memorized or even learned. And is perfectly possible that a mage has spells but is not scripted to use them.
More useful is to know which spells he uses in each battle, they are not the same between a battle and an other. As I am doing my first vanilla run after years of hard modded game, where he is a completely different beast, I am not able to help you.
@gorgonzola thanks for the info. I just had my first battle with Irenicus (SCS-modded) and it was insane. I was particularly interested in the spell which he used to make duplicates of everyone in my team but going back to what you said probably its one of those spells that he's scripted to use but not memorised or probably not an actual spell even.
He has a couple of spells that only he gets to use, such as 'Create Clones' and another one called 'Rapture of the Father', which he uses at several points in the game to instakill masses of enemies... and you, if you stumble upon him at the wrong time.
They might be actual spells in the game files, but they are not accessible, and so are run on scripts. The clones are a feature of the spellhold battle. He always casts him, and you can imagine the effect on the player it can have the first time around. That's ultimately what it's for; to make things interesting, to make him appear more powerful and intimidating, and to throw the player a curveball.
He would probably appear less of a major antagonist if he could only cast spells the player knew.
No that is not even a spell, and he do it also in vanilla. I think that, even if I don't know very well SCS, as I mainly play with Tactics mod, you will find the future ones "more insane"
Knowing that I will not spoil you, as you are not playing Tactics, I show you the last battle with him in that mod. And I suppose that in SCS, with all the components installed, is not easier, even if completely different. The video is randomly taken from YT, I am not the player.
As far as I remember Suldanesselar Jon has two time stops, power word kill, abi dhalzim, power word stun (?) , ice storm, flame arrow, acid arrow , true sight, prot from m weapons, mantle (?), mislead, stoneskin, those scripted contingencies , both fireshields and (truly) endless stock of magic missiles. Did I forget something?
Yeah I remember falling to a Wail of the Banshee from Irenicus in a time stop, in the Tree fight in Suldenesselar in my first maiden playthrough. I remember it vividly because my friend was with me and watching, he was a big fan of Irenicus thanks to stellar voice acting at the beginning of the game. He never got far in the game, but restarted over and over again and recited his lines together. I was all tough and experienced like, 'I beat a lich (after heavy reloads) I can take him!' and my friend was 'lol ' when I insta died in time stop.
And my pc was a cleric with a save vs death of, like, 3 or 4. :facepalm:
Spellhold Irenicus killed me with a comet in timestop on my first attempt. But I paid it back to him twofold during my second attempt with Anomen's Firestorms x 2 and Web x 3
Spellhold Irenicus killed me with a comet in timestop on my first attempt. But I paid it back to him twofold during my second attempt with Anomen's Firestorms x 2 and Web x 3
I guess you have scs, vanilla game Irenicus does not have HLAs in the original bg2. Unless ee changed things.
Spellhold Irenicus killed me with a comet in timestop on my first attempt. But I paid it back to him twofold during my second attempt with Anomen's Firestorms x 2 and Web x 3
I guess you have scs, vanilla game Irenicus does not have HLAs in the original bg2. Unless ee changed things.
Spellhold Irenicus killed me with a comet in timestop on my first attempt. But I paid it back to him twofold during my second attempt with Anomen's Firestorms x 2 and Web x 3
Vanilla spellhold irenicus has a very poor spell selection, apart from a horrid wilting if you play on hard mode.
Each battle, because is coded as different creatures, not as the same at different levels.
And also doing it you will not find spells that he can cast with some scripts, that don't require to have them memorized or even learned. And is perfectly possible that a mage has spells but is not scripted to use them.
More useful is to know which spells he uses in each battle, they are not the same between a battle and an other.
As I am doing my first vanilla run after years of hard modded game, where he is a completely different beast, I am not able to help you.
They might be actual spells in the game files, but they are not accessible, and so are run on scripts. The clones are a feature of the spellhold battle. He always casts him, and you can imagine the effect on the player it can have the first time around. That's ultimately what it's for; to make things interesting, to make him appear more powerful and intimidating, and to throw the player a curveball.
He would probably appear less of a major antagonist if he could only cast spells the player knew.
Knowing that I will not spoil you, as you are not playing Tactics, I show you the last battle with him in that mod. And I suppose that in SCS, with all the components installed, is not easier, even if completely different. The video is randomly taken from YT, I am not the player.
Did I forget something?
And my pc was a cleric with a save vs death of, like, 3 or 4. :facepalm: