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NPC Management...

Are there any guides on how to collect every NPC, assuming that it is even possible. During my most recent game, I had picked up Jaheira and Khalid, but later left them in the Friendly Arm Inn, where I was going to collect NPC's. Unfortunately, I then completed the Nashkell Mines and they were gone forever. Is there a definitive guide on how to ensure that certain characters don't disappear?


  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    I think they have to be happy with the party reputation in order to stay where you boot them out ... I don't really know, I haven't played vanilla BG1 in an age. I wonder if the devs are incorporating the mod component 'NPCs wait at inns' into BG:EE, I'd like that, but could perhaps interfere with their contract since it would require new lines of dialogue for each NPC.
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