[Feature Requests] several things i think would be awesome!

hey guys!
these are things that may have been asked for before but i couldnt find them on the first few pages of the forum.
for changes throughout all the games something that has really annoyed me is that rings and necklaces do not stack. when playing in areas with no merchant (eg: irenicus dungeon) or games without the gem bag like BG1 it is incredibly frustrating to go through hordes and end up with several full inventories of rings and necklaces.
i shouldnt have to get neera just to get her gem bag to store them and free up my inventory. we're blessed in BG2 with alot of gem backs and scroll cases which does help but it would also be great if we could get an ammo bag in BG1 and earlier in BG2 without needing to head to the watchers keep. the keyring in SoD was a very good add to the game and is something i would request in all games too. bags of holding would be awesome to have but i understand why they arent frequently found but i would love to find at least one semi-early into the game.
in character creation i saw a post about choosing your portrait at the end and i agree with that and would also like to suggest choosing your alignment after your race. as a new player many years ago i remember wanting to play a paladin and being frustrated that i was locked into lawful good as my young self didnt grasp that pallys are restricted with their alignments. this would be a quick way to see what classes i can choose from with specific alignments instead of choosing something 'with the role of the dice' only to find out its an evil rep or a good one when wanting to do something different.
i saw a post to increase party size and i think the option to have 7-8 would be great. i read the responses that indicated how difficult it would be and while i appreciate that it will most likely be wishful thinking my reasons for wanting 7-8 is so i can play with several NPCs and get their quests out the way, without having to sacrifice who i want to journey the whole way with my CHARNAME, or whos banter i like. this is especially prominent for me in BG1 as i personally dont like splitting the 'pair' NPCs and if i have two sets and imoen, i cant have anyone else like branwen or kivan which is disappointing for me and in BG2 a 7-8 person party would help me as i stick with yoshimo/imoen and aerie with most games having minsc and jaheira thus leaving me with one slot and ever so many NPCs to choose from
really looking forward to see whats next for the games
these are things that may have been asked for before but i couldnt find them on the first few pages of the forum.
for changes throughout all the games something that has really annoyed me is that rings and necklaces do not stack. when playing in areas with no merchant (eg: irenicus dungeon) or games without the gem bag like BG1 it is incredibly frustrating to go through hordes and end up with several full inventories of rings and necklaces.
i shouldnt have to get neera just to get her gem bag to store them and free up my inventory. we're blessed in BG2 with alot of gem backs and scroll cases which does help but it would also be great if we could get an ammo bag in BG1 and earlier in BG2 without needing to head to the watchers keep. the keyring in SoD was a very good add to the game and is something i would request in all games too. bags of holding would be awesome to have but i understand why they arent frequently found but i would love to find at least one semi-early into the game.
in character creation i saw a post about choosing your portrait at the end and i agree with that and would also like to suggest choosing your alignment after your race. as a new player many years ago i remember wanting to play a paladin and being frustrated that i was locked into lawful good as my young self didnt grasp that pallys are restricted with their alignments. this would be a quick way to see what classes i can choose from with specific alignments instead of choosing something 'with the role of the dice' only to find out its an evil rep or a good one when wanting to do something different.
i saw a post to increase party size and i think the option to have 7-8 would be great. i read the responses that indicated how difficult it would be and while i appreciate that it will most likely be wishful thinking my reasons for wanting 7-8 is so i can play with several NPCs and get their quests out the way, without having to sacrifice who i want to journey the whole way with my CHARNAME, or whos banter i like. this is especially prominent for me in BG1 as i personally dont like splitting the 'pair' NPCs and if i have two sets and imoen, i cant have anyone else like branwen or kivan which is disappointing for me and in BG2 a 7-8 person party would help me as i stick with yoshimo/imoen and aerie with most games having minsc and jaheira thus leaving me with one slot and ever so many NPCs to choose from
really looking forward to see whats next for the games

As a pack-rat, I would also like to see more bags available for purchase in the games.
In the mean time, you may already be aware of all of these, but in case you’re not, I will offer you some of my own remedies for dealing with inventory.
I personally “role-play” that Gorion gives his daughter a Bag of Holding to start her journey with. This can be added to your inventory with EEKeeper or by using the debug console.
The Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Editions added a potion case to the store in High Hedge. A Scroll Case can be obtained from a small quest done for Firebead Elvenhair who can be found in a house across from the Fieldpost Inn in Beregost.
havent used mods myself and while i know some are awesome i try to avoid them myself just coz im not confident messing with my games files in any way haha
i think that bag is something that gorion would do as his daughter may have precious items she needs to gather but because he says to quickly gather her things and meet him at the steps of the library she doesnt have time to assess whats actually critical to take so she takes it all and just crams it into the bag.
personally, if youve ever played it, i liked the inventory setup for IWD2 where it was 3 or 4 rows of inventory which was achieved with a smaller paperdoll thing but even then i horded ammo and ended up with 6 characters full.
i was so excited in SoD (after my 4th restart of the same game) to find ALL the bags available to me for sale from belegram (? on spelling) as i had spent so much time selling items to fit everything in the inventory and was even more excited to work out the chest of items moved with us in each chapter.
im sad the keychain hasnt been implemented in BG2 as it seems we get keys for every damnable quest and as people have pointed out in other threads, we dont always know which key we may need again so the keychain was awesome in that regard for keeping them all together
*sigh* so many minor inven tweaks that would be so awesome but i imagine arent always easy to apply