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[Kickstarter] Omen Exitio: Plague - an narrative Lovecraftian RPG

KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
edited October 2016 in Off-Topic

Drawing from the dark realms of H.P. Lovecraft's imagination, Omen Exitio: Plague’s story and plot will make you travel back to the late 1800's. A dark hand is moving the wheels of history, trying to wake up dark forces that can destroy and shape the world in the most terrible ways. Discover what war-scarred Madagascar, smoggy industrial Europe and ancient temples of worship have in common, in an adventure that only you can follow to the best, or maybe the worst ending.

Every decision you will take during your gameplay shapes the way the story will play out. Will you lead the world towards salvation, or will you let the darkest of creatures prevail?

NOT JUST A BOOK. Omen Exitio's story plays out like a book: page after page you will read through compelling descriptions of your surroundings, exciting combat scenes and disturbing interrogations. But this is not just a book: every decision you take will unlock different paths through the story, shaping every game differently and making your storybook truly YOURS.

NOT JUST A GAME. Every game has an exciting story to tell, its own hero, its own quests, objectives and myths. By taking great inspiration from a generation of gamebooks, we're trying to translate this reality to a videogame. We've teamed up with two professional writers to bring our story to life and imbue it with color and thrill, to bring our players the real gamebook experience.

As one can see, Omen Exitio: Plague is an Lovecraftian Horror RPG of a different sort than usual. There are no overworld actions, no fancy 3D models or similar things to be found in this video game. It literally is a visual novel in the truest sense of the word.

This however also makes this project so fascinating. Especially since the developers plan to release it for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. There is even talk to do PS4 and Xbox One ports later on. Personally I find this kind of text RPG would be perfect for tablets. :-)

Another merit of it being a playable book is its rather humble funding goal of mere €3.000. Which was almost reached to 1/3 on its first campaign day.

The early bird game pledge is but a €6, while the normal game tier is €9. It can't get much cheaper than that for a brand new video game franchise. :p
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