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Sorcerer vs Wild Mage

Ok so a Sorcerer vs Mage is an easy choice if you know what spells you want right of the bat, since spells not used = lost casts and the lack of stat requirements for Sorcerers.

But I never played a Wild Mage in BG 2 and it seems that it's a no contests since you potentially get any spell you want as a first level spell just with a slight risk to casting. Is there any incentive to pick a Sorcerer over a Wild Mage?


  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Um. Well. The Wild Mage class is always a risk, and it's way more of a risk than you may think. Sorcerers are safer to use. I prefer Wild Mages though. In fact, I actually kind of, well, try to get wild surges. They amuse me.
  • disgruntledgamerdisgruntledgamer Member Posts: 13
    Yeah but not every wild surge is bad isn't like 3% something bad might happen? not to mention you have Chaos Shield
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078

    Yeah but not every wild surge is bad isn't like 3% something bad might happen? not to mention you have Chaos Shield

    I'm pretty sure it's more than 3%. Also, Wild Mage can be a little...well, glitchy sometimes. It can cause some very strange side effects. Gender Change wild surge? Happened once to me and it triggered the Aerie romance. I also distinctly remember a playthrough where my charname was bright glowing orange for half the game thanks to one of those. It can get. Pretty crazy.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The chances of something good/bad/neutral-but-generally-unhelpful are more or less even. I think the breakdown is roughly 33% for each.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    It the lose all your gold option you have to watch out for
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's not all your gold; it's a portion of your gold. That much was clarified a while ago.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    It should probably be 1/6th your gold, if it destroys "all your gold" and you're 1/6th the party...

    Honestly I wouldn't let the wild mage carry any gold myself... XD
  • disgruntledgamerdisgruntledgamer Member Posts: 13

    Yeah but not every wild surge is bad isn't like 3% something bad might happen? not to mention you have Chaos Shield

    I'm pretty sure it's more than 3%. Also, Wild Mage can be a little...well, glitchy sometimes. It can cause some very strange side effects. Gender Change wild surge? Happened once to me and it triggered the Aerie romance. I also distinctly remember a playthrough where my charname was bright glowing orange for half the game thanks to one of those. It can get. Pretty crazy.
    Doesn't Chaos Shield help stop those?
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    From my understanding, there are modifiers that help push you higher on the chart where there are more beneficial or neutral effects. But you can't do away with it entirely. The biggest deal might be keeping Protection from Petrification on to prevent random stoning XD
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078

    Yeah but not every wild surge is bad isn't like 3% something bad might happen? not to mention you have Chaos Shield

    I'm pretty sure it's more than 3%. Also, Wild Mage can be a little...well, glitchy sometimes. It can cause some very strange side effects. Gender Change wild surge? Happened once to me and it triggered the Aerie romance. I also distinctly remember a playthrough where my charname was bright glowing orange for half the game thanks to one of those. It can get. Pretty crazy.
    Doesn't Chaos Shield help stop those?
    Yeah, but Chaos Shield isn't nearly as effective early-game. Not to mention that means you have to eat up two spell slots intead of one to cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer successfully, and there's not even any guarantee it WILL be successful. It can be rather inefficient.
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