[Q] Is it possible to change the Lvl Progress Bar background color (Ugly gray)?

in UI Modding
As the title says, Is it possible to change the Level Progress Bar background color (Ugly gray). Cause, well, I find it ugly... I'm currently using @AncientCowboy progress bar tweaks (the Next Level String and XP Delta ones). And it works great! But, I haven't found a way to change that yuck stale grey color for the background... Is it possible?
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for any help!
P.S. Even if without artistic skills, do you know which files/lines must be changed? I don't have (or require to see) art/artistic skills either but I don't really mind!
That said: To answer the question asked; in UI.MENU within the CHARACTER menu you'll find 1 (stock) or 3/4 (with Progress Bar tweaks installed) LABEL items with PROGRESSBAR attributes. That label, or each of those labels, is/are what you would have to replace with 3 LABEL items representing background/filling/full visuals (using the FILL attribute). You might be able to drop a fourth do-nothing LABEL/BUTTON on top displaying an image consisting of a frame and transparent center to make it more 'finished' looking. You'll need the logic to enable/disable the filling/full labels as appropriate; and to set the width of the 'filling' label (menu OnOpen probably). This is a lot of work just to change the background. But if you're game - Good luck!
Variables I would use are: The starting XP level my level, my current XP and the XP of the next level... With the variables (They may already be there, I don't have the file in front of me now) I create a rectange (percentage) that fills up depending on the variables... Is this about right?