Increase Single Weapon Style APR by 0.5

Single Weapon Style proficiency (at 2 points) could use some love and a little bit of tunning besides "keen" (far better left to weapon properties, weapons should be keen and not a style making it) so pls increase Single Weapon APR by 0.5 (half extra attack per round), to give it a real incentive over the other styles.
Even though it is currently possible to add this functionality by using unorthodoxal methods and doing a ton of work, the results are around 90% satisfactory at best, for a lot of calcs done in the nick of time.
Maybe adding an extra column to STYLBONU.2da that allows APR increases, altough I dunno how easy/hard would be for devs to add this extra functionality.
Anyway, I hope it is possible and not that hard, and the staff sees the need for it.
Even though it is currently possible to add this functionality by using unorthodoxal methods and doing a ton of work, the results are around 90% satisfactory at best, for a lot of calcs done in the nick of time.
Maybe adding an extra column to STYLBONU.2da that allows APR increases, altough I dunno how easy/hard would be for devs to add this extra functionality.
Anyway, I hope it is possible and not that hard, and the staff sees the need for it.