Recommend a mod for me
I want to replay BG:EE but this time with mods installed. From looking around on the forums I was thinking of SCS and Unfinished Business.
What would you recommend? And where should I download them?
I also have SOD in case that makes a difference.
What would you recommend? And where should I download them?
I also have SOD in case that makes a difference.
The NPC project also does the original game wonders by giving the more silent characters more life. It involves a ton of dialogue with each companion, some new romances, banters, and even some new cutscene-ish dialogue where it should have been in the original, such as when Branwen encounters Tranzig.
S9 NPC Tweaks offers a ton of changes to both BGEE, SoD, and BG2EE. You can make some late-game companions accessible earlier in the game, change some companion's classes so that it feels more updated with the new kits and whatnot (making Kagain a Dwarven Defender, for example) and even adds a Priest of Tempus kit, usable by the Charname and Branwen. Of course, all these individual changes can be picked through, and you can decide which ones you want and don't want.
IEP Banters adds some new banters to BG2EE. I like this mod because it doesn't exclude the EE companions like some mods do, and makes it so that Neera, Hexxat, Dorn, and Rasaad are a little less quiet. Of course, it also includes banters for every other party member as well, but the EE companions finally get the love they deserve here.
Improved Shamanic Dance is a simple little mod I use to make shamans a litttttle bit more usable. All this mod does is make it do that your shaman can move (at a much slower pace) while dancing, rather than being stuck in one place. That's it, really, but I never liked the idea that shamans can't move while dancing. I can move while dancing, why can't my Half-Orc?
Aaaand the last mod I have installed is a Mazzy and Imoen friendship mod. There are more, as you'll see in that link. All they do, really, is add some fun dialogue for select companions. They're nice, and fit the characters very well.
That's all the mods I use, though. As a little bonus, I plan on using the Ver'Sza companion mod in my next playthrough, as he looks like a total badass.
There are just so many...
Do they all work with each other and with the latest version of the game?
@JumboWheat01 That one's a bit too specific to be of much interest to me, like the shaman dance above.
But yes, IEP banters, and the friendship mods I mentioned are only for BG2EE. Still, if you're looking for mods for that game as well, highly recommend those!
Also, as @JumboWheat01 said, the Wizard Slayer rebalancing mod is great. I also use that, but it totally slipped my mind. It makes the Wizard Slayer a much more entertaining class to use.
Scs forces you to play tactical and make use of all your resources. Enemies are smarter and uses all their resources available to them. An enemy mage will for instance throw MMM, run around or use a ranged weapon while he waits for his second round to begin so that he might cast his next spells. Mages may also cast invisibility as a mean to escape dangers from melee oriented warriors or summons.
Enemies will adapt their strategies according to your moves. For instance if one of your spell casters cast PfMW, enemy warriors will not attack him/her unless the protection is dispelled or expired.
Assassins will target your weaker character such as mages or clerics.
Enemy mages will not attempt Power word: Kill on an NPC with over 60hp and so on.
I could go on all day. Give it a try! After playing with SCS now for a while, I can't imagine playing without it.
Check this thread out if you are interested!
So far I didn't notice any difference in difficulty, but that's probably because you just die randomly all the time at level 1 anyway. The extra quests and dialogues are nice. But OMG do I hate the use of *description in asterisks*. So. Much. Cringe.