I can, slowly, help you for the Italian translation. Slowly because I have to check how every thing is in the Italian localization of EE, I am used to original and there are differences, and because at present I am quit busy. I think that to post here is better than use PM, because others can eventually correct errors and because is possible that 2 or more people work at the same translation without knowing of each other or that you have still the translation in that language.
here we are, for now, I will edit the post adding the things that I have to check. If some other users of the Italian localization like to contribute feel free to do it.
@10001 = ~^Armor Class:.+$~ @10002 = ~Armor Class: ~ Classe Armatura @10003 = ~Damage Resistance: ~ I must check @10004 = ~Dexterity Penalty: -~ I must check @10005 = ~Arcane Casting Speed Penalty: +~ I must check @10006 = ~Weapon Attack Speed Penalty: +~ I must check @10011 = ~dragon~ Drago @10012 = ~elven~ elfico or elfica (in Italian grammar there is no neutral gender and the gender of an adjective take the gender of the noun, that can be masculine or feminine, so a elven staff is bastone elficO and an elven armor is armatura elficA, as a general rule masculine nouns and adjectives end in o and feminine in a) @10013 = ~elvish~ elfico (M) elfica (F) @10014 = ~sylvan~ slivano (M) silvana (F) the armor is "Cotta di Maglia Silvana" @10015 = ~bladesinger~ not changed, still bladesinger, the elven mail is "Cotta di Maglia del Bladesinger" @10018 = ~robe~ abito @10019 = ~cloak~ mantello @10021 = ~Stealth, Pick Pockets: -~ @10022 = ~Open Locks, Set Traps: -~ @10023 = ~Find Traps, Detect Illusion: -~ @10030 = ~Armor of Faith Armatura della Fede
Level: 1 Livello:1 Sphere: Protection Sfera: Protezione Range: 0 I must check Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level Durata: 3 round + 1 round/livello Casting Time: 1 I must check Area of Effect: The caster I must check Saving Throw: None I must check
The caster of this spell receives significant protection against melee and magical attacks. This magical armor-like force surrounds the caster and absorbs a portion of any damage taken. This amounts to an effect 10% boost to damage resistance against all damage types.~
"Il lanciatore di questo incantesimo riceve una significativa protezione verso gli attacchi di mischia e magici. Questa forza, simile ad una armatura magica, circonda il lanciatore ed assorbe una porzione di ogni danno subito. L'effetto è un incremento del 10% della resistenza al danno contro ogni tipo di danno."
I think that to post here is better than use PM, because others can eventually correct errors and because is possible that 2 or more people work at the same translation without knowing of each other or that you have still the translation in that language.
If some other users of the Italian localization like to contribute feel free to do it. Edit added a couple of translations