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Unkitted Clerics

Hey dudes.

I've been looking through the classes very deeply lately, because I'm still not sure which one I want to play next. I felt like I could always weigh out some good positives and negatives for playing each class or kit, but when it comes to clerics, I couldn't quite see any bonuses to playing just a regular old cleric over a priest of Talos, Lathander, Helm, or Tyr.

Does anyone play unkitted clerics these days? Or is that a thing of the past?


  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    As Tansheron said, there is no reason to play a Cleric without choosing one of the kits or a dual/multiclass. And in the Forgotten Realms, you explicitly NEED to follow a god, its the only way you'll get access to Divine Magic. They're extremely stingy like that. So it takes some head-canoning to think that your Cleric/Mage is really worshiping some god of magic, like Azuth or maybe even Oghma, and your Cleric/Thief is going for one of the trickery gods of some sort, like Garl Glittergold or Tymmora.
  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    I see, thanks for that!
    What about priest spells? Am I right in thinking that you receive different spells depending on your alignment?
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Yes, the only mechanical reason for an unkitted Cleric is when it's part of a multi-class or (the second class of) a dual-class. If you're playing a single-class Cleric (or the first class of a dual), then you're always going to be better off with a kitted Cleric, because all of the Cleric kits have only advantages and no disadvantages.

    This differs from all of the kits of all of the other classes, which each have some costs as well as benefits.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Papa_Lou said:

    I see, thanks for that!
    What about priest spells? Am I right in thinking that you receive different spells depending on your alignment?

    That's true in Icewind Dale (and it's EE,) but as far as I know, that's not true in the Baldur's Gate games. Good characters in IWD got healing spells, Evil got harming spells, and Neutral got a mix-and-match set.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Clerics get slightly different spell selections for Evil than for Good, but not nearly so different as in IWD.

    In BG, Good Clerics get Holy Smite and Holy Word (which target Evil enemies) and the Summon Deva HLA, while Evil Clerics get Unholy Blight and Unholy Word (which target Good enemies) and the Summon Fallen Deva HLA. Neutral Clerics get both sets.

    As an exception, Viconia
    gets both sets as if she were Neutral, which is presumably because she can eventually convert to Neutral in ToB.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    lol thats funny
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    SO evil cleric spells differ for BG EE like in IWD, want to do a evil PC cleric but dont want the harm spells and giving up healing
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    brunardo said:

    SO evil cleric spells differ for BG EE like in IWD, want to do a evil PC cleric but dont want the harm spells and giving up healing

    Evil clerics can still heal, it's only a few spells that are different. I'm not even sure Harm is evil only, I think it's only the alignment-specific spells like Holy Smite/Unholy Blight, Holy Word/Unholy Word etc. But I could be wrong I guess, too many mods on my setup to check.
  • RelSundanRelSundan Member Posts: 918
    edited November 2016
    The only spells that differs from alignments are spells that hurt either good or bad creatures. (Evil spells versus Good spells) As mentioned already, Holy Blight, Holy word and Summon Deva spells are available only to good/neutral cleric while Unholy Blight, Unholy word and Summon Fallen Deva spells are available only to Evil Clerics. Pretty much same spells just with different nature and different specific targets

    Harm is available for any alignment as it effects both good and evil characters.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    brunardo said:

    SO evil cleric spells differ for BG EE like in IWD, want to do a evil PC cleric but dont want the harm spells and giving up healing

    No, the only differences are the ones I listed earlier. Heal and Harm spells (etc.) are all available to all Clerics in BG, unlike IWD.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2016
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    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    @subtledoctor dont you have some mod for that ? :D
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @Danacm - I think you fell for @subtledoctor's marketing cue! :smile:
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    @Gallowglass i think @subtledoctor is a salesman in real :)
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    No, there was an epic fail there. There was no *wink wink* or :wink:. Sales pitch failure.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
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