[ MOD ] Parangon Mode

ParagonMode gives access to high difficulty level contents WITHOUT the insanely damage increase and others non RPG effects. So, one can enjoy and try to beat Ascension (and every others hardest battles) with clean clear ADD rules.
ParangonMode should be/is compatible with every mods; be sure to install it after any difficulty altering mods
Enjoy these HARDEST fights you were afraid of

From the readme:
ParangonMode should be/is compatible with every mods; be sure to install it after any difficulty altering mods
[ EDIT: version 1.01 handles BG1, SoD, BG2 and ToB continuity ]Enjoy these HARDEST fights you were afraid of

From the readme:
/ Philosophy
- Paragon Mode gives access to high difficulty level contents WITHOUT the insanely damage increase and others non RPG effects. So, one can enjoy and try to beat Ascension with clean clear ADD rules.
- The in-game difficulty slider remains unchanged and alter luck/hp/damages/etc. as usual
- Example of use: set difficulty slider to NORMAL, Parangon to HARDEST => you should be able to beat Ascension without powergaming
/ Compatibility
ParangonMode should be/is compatible with every mods, but be sure to install it after any difficulty altering mods so it can patched their scripts
/ Technical
ParangonMode replaces Difficulty/GT/LT() triggers by Global/GT/LT("PARANGON","GLOBAL",value)
/ Versions
v1 - First release
v1.01 - Handle continuity for BG1, SoD, BG2 and ToB
- Paragon Mode gives access to high difficulty level contents WITHOUT the insanely damage increase and others non RPG effects. So, one can enjoy and try to beat Ascension with clean clear ADD rules.
- The in-game difficulty slider remains unchanged and alter luck/hp/damages/etc. as usual
- Example of use: set difficulty slider to NORMAL, Parangon to HARDEST => you should be able to beat Ascension without powergaming
/ Compatibility
ParangonMode should be/is compatible with every mods, but be sure to install it after any difficulty altering mods so it can patched their scripts
/ Technical
ParangonMode replaces Difficulty/GT/LT() triggers by Global/GT/LT("PARANGON","GLOBAL",value)
/ Versions
v1 - First release
v1.01 - Handle continuity for BG1, SoD, BG2 and ToB
Post edited by shadowlich on