Stronghold quests
I done almost all quest in the city in ch2. Sould I finally pay the fee to Gaelan Bayle or finish each stronhold? I have yet to rescue Nalia and do npc's quest, and two of the harder quests (the sewers and freeing the body of Kragnaxx). I feel I should finish Anomen's quest first, but I have nothing to do. I'm skald level 13.
Which stronghold is the easiest. I have already done De'Arnise stronghold quest....
Which stronghold is the easiest. I have already done De'Arnise stronghold quest....
Post edited by Cvijeta on
Might lose the Thief stronghold if you take too long, though, as it has the only time-sensitive mechanic (paying your weekly dues). Can't remember if it's paused while you're away for story. Others should be a-okay though.
The initial stronghold quests are available to any protagonist, but they don't win you the stronghold (and consequent additional subquests) if it's not the right one for your class. So you've done the de'Arnise Hold quest, but that doesn't actually win you the stronghold (and its associated subquests) because you're not a warrior.
Since you're playing a Skald, you should do the Bard stronghold quest (in the Five Flagons playhouse) to earn your own stronghold. That then gives you several additional Bard-only subquests.
Usually (although not necessarily in every case), it makes sense to do your appropriate stronghold quest quite early, because the various associated subquests which follow tend to come at intervals of several days, so it's convenient to have some other stuff to be doing while you're waiting for the next stronghold subquest to begin.
Paying Gaelan Bayle will start Chapter 3 and thereby give you some new main-plot tasks, but that's not relevant to stronghold quests and other side-quests, it doesn't matter whether you do the side-quests in Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 (although Chapter 4 is a different matter ...)
Is Anomen's romance paused when you travel out of city?
Romances are paused whenever you enter a dungeon, and throughout Chapters 4 & 5, but not merely by travelling out of the city.