Importing a game/character & old-new companions

Sorry for my english.
Spoiler alert
When i import a game i start with my old companions their portraits, voices and gear. When i import just my character or start a new one i get several parties depending on my char's alignment. These parties contain of old bgee companions with new portraits, voices and stats. Spoiler:
The question is: If there is a possibility of importing the whole party(game) with a replacement old companions with old-new ones and Spoiler:
For example: I do really like Viconia. Can i get her in a new shape, voice importing a game? Spoiler:
Thank you
Spoiler alert
When i import a game i start with my old companions their portraits, voices and gear. When i import just my character or start a new one i get several parties depending on my char's alignment. These parties contain of old bgee companions with new portraits, voices and stats. Spoiler:
If i'm not mistaken i can even have a new romancies with certain of them. And if import the whole party(game) i can watch continuing romancies started back in bgee. Is it true?
The question is: If there is a possibility of importing the whole party(game) with a replacement old companions with old-new ones and Spoiler:
having romacncie with them
For example: I do really like Viconia. Can i get her in a new shape, voice importing a game? Spoiler:
And which way i can have a romancie with her in SoD if it possible? with old one or only with old-new one? My char is TN and i don't see her in starting party if i import char only
Thank you
If you import the "whole game" you get a continuation of your party from "final save", all their gear/profeciances ect.
However, that is only for the first short dungeon, then all of them leave.
(very important point to remember at the end of that dungeon, all gear in inventory will go with Charname and end up in a chest for you, all equipped items will disappear with the NPC, so basically strip them)
You then have the chance of recruiting some of them as you travel around.
And their portraits ect, will be the new ones if you re recruit them.
So yes, you can have new Viconia.
I thank you very much!!!!!!
One other thing that maybe helpful.
Your gem bag, potion case and scroll case (and everything in them) all go at the very start of SOD, very, very annoying.
So on current playthrough (and I just so happened to have started a new one when I read your thread) rather than enjoy the feeling of defeating Saravok, I spent the last few minutes before the cut scene (on pause) moving the most valuable stuff out of holders into NPC inventories............and then of course you've got no room for anything else.
When you start the SoD prologue with your end-BG1ee party, they each keep all of their equipped items, and all of their backpack inventory except portable containers (i.e. scroll case, potion case, gem bag) which are lost (and any contents in the containers are also lost). Therefore, if you want to keep anything in the portable containers, move it out of the container (into backpack or wherever) before defeating Sarevok.
At the end of the SoD prologue (when your BG1ee party disbands), your protagonist keeps all equipped and backpack items, and the backpack items of other party members are automatically transferred to the party equipment stash (which will follow you throughout the game), but all equipped items of departing party members go with them and so are lost (i.e. it's only their un-equipped backpack items which transfer to the stash). Therefore, if you want to keep any equipped items (armour/weapons/whatever) on your NPC companions, then un-equip those items (into their backpacks) before leaving the prologue dungeon.
There are a few locations in BG City which can be visited in both BG1ee and SoD, but actually these are not technically the same areas (i.e. they are new copies, not imports from BG1ee) and therefore the contents of static containers (i.e. chests, etc.) don't carry over into SoD.
I wonder if there is a possibility in a technical way to implement considering decisions made in a previous parts of the saga? Or it's not worth of it? Do CRPG lovers need a progression within development of eighteen years old game? Would someone except me be glad to try absolutely new infinity engine game(s)?
Sorry for off-topic
I think that could be too complicated to implement because of the amount of NPC in BG, we were very spoilt.
But I was a little disappointed that there was so little dialog that took into consideration just how long these characters have been known to players or at least that you have been through the first game with some of them.
A few dialog options that allowed mention of previous encounters/adventures and reactions.
Some of them are "old friends.