Why can't I recruit some people?

I'm on my 4th play of the game and I tried recruiting Minsc and Xan this time, but the game won't let me. I get a very short message instead of their long story and then I either can't talk to them anymore or they disappear. Is it because my character's lawful good?
I don't think it's because you are lawful good.
Where and when are you trying to recruit them?
I'm trying to recruit Minsc in Nashkel during chapter two, before completing the mines, and Xan in the Nashkel Mines before fighting Mulahey.
But with Xan you may have to kill Mulahay first.
My assumption is the same as @byranw1995. You've got too low a reaction modifier due to a combination of low charisma and reputation (?), which makes certain NPCs unwilling to join you. These are what Minsc and Xan say if they don't like you:
"My hamster does not like your tone. Away with ye." - Minsc
"I thank you for my rescue but I must leave quickly. I wish you well in your struggle, though it is surely lost." - Xan
A LOT of things have a NPC reaction roll built in, especially quest rewards. For example, that dude in the FAI that wants you to clear his house in Beregost of spiders. He gives you 6 Antidote potions if the person talking to him to start the quest has 18 Cha. If I use Khalid to talk to him, he doesn't give him the 6 pots.
Quest rewards also changes with NPC reaction. A low rep party is fighting an uphill battle all the way in this game.
For example, if you want to recruit Viconia, but have excessively low CHA, you can just have Imoen talk to her and she'll join right up