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not sure that protection from magic weapons is actually good value

especially not on a character like haer who gets around -20 ac with defensive spin, blur and protection from evil all active. pfmw has spells like tensors transformation, true sight and protection from magic energy to compete with, and I'm not sure if it is just because I had SCS installed, but nothing lower level than pierce magic seems to affect liches or dragons such as firkraag.

I suppose a mage like edwin with mediocre AC might get a bit of use out of it if he has no room for stoneskin or even mirror image, but I don't think it's worth having more than one use of the spell memorized for those emergency situations where I've been sloppy.


  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476

    pfmw has spells like tensors transformation, true sight and protection from magic energy to compete with

    That's not much of a competetion tbh. Though it's interesting to see a thread about pfmw that isn't about how op it is.

  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    edited December 2016

    Just wait until you waltz into Yaga-Shura's temple with its army of Oil of Speed-drinking Fire Giants. They won't have the slightest bit of trouble hitting even -20, and if you combine PFMW with Fireshield:Blue, you can tank their hits and retaliate at the same time.

    True. It's the lower chapters of the first 10-15 hours of BG2 that can sometimes be a challenge, and I can tank dragons and golems well enough without pfmw. I think giants might be the only time I'd take multiple pfmw though,
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    I find Pfmw to be a godsend against high level monks.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    THAC0 scaling becomes ludicrous once you progress well into BG2, and especially during the ToB part. Even at -20 AC you get hit regularly, and hit HARD.

    Of course, depending on your setup that still doesn't mean you must use PfMW or die; not by any stretch. But PfMW can be a very useful tool to buy yourself a window of time to mop up, and mop up good.

    Personally, I use it primarily as an oh-shit-button. I usually tank with Stoneskin + AC and only pop PfMW when I am in a really tight spot. When I do use it, though, it is GOOD. I mean, man.
  • NightmareWraithNightmareWraith Member Posts: 77
    It makes you completely immune to most things and allows you to cast without getting interrupted and with amulet of power ots instant cast it's pretty much god mode.....
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 638
    pfmw is good, no doubt.

    But if your tank is a divine caster you get Armor of Faith which confers up to 25% damage reduction, and warriors get 40% reduction from HLA.. and Defender of Easthaven gives 20%..

    There are many ways to have more than enough damage mitigation to not need pfmw.
    I have actually never used it beyond meta-testing chars.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    Khyron said:

    pfmw is good, no doubt.

    But if your tank is a divine caster you get Armor of Faith which confers up to 25% damage reduction, and warriors get 40% reduction from HLA.. and Defender of Easthaven gives 20%..

    There are many ways to have more than enough damage mitigation to not need pfmw.
    I have actually never used it beyond meta-testing chars.

    Yep but unlike damage resistance Pfmw will also protect you from effects applied on hit.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Speaking of resistances, I only recently realized how OP Roranch's Horn is. Combine it with Hardiness and either Armor of Faith or Defender of Easthaven or some other class features that give you damage resistance and you can get complete immunity to crushing damage, which is definitely handy at a number of points in TOB.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    Speaking of resistances, I only recently realized how OP Roranch's Horn is. Combine it with Hardiness and either Armor of Faith or Defender of Easthaven or some other class features that give you damage resistance and you can get complete immunity to crushing damage, which is definitely handy at a number of points in TOB.

    IIRC you can even go above 100% resistance and be healed by attacks. Time to Wish for a golem army to pound you from behind as you engage the boss at the front.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428

    IIRC you can even go above 100% resistance and be healed by attacks. Time to Wish for a golem army to pound you from behind as you engage the boss at the front.

    I don't know if that works anymore. It certainly doesn't seem to for elemental damage.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Could have been changed in the EE, or in one of the later patches.

    My mod setup usually precludes excessive resistance stacking anyway, but that's because it's really pretty good in the unmodded game (even without 100+ healing).
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