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Need to know Order to Install Mods

I recently reinstalled the games using my Steam Code, I have received advice on how to install mods, but I am well aware that the mods need to be installed in a specific order, please inform me in which order.

I have the following mods.
BG1 Mods:
1. BG1 NPC Project (Plus Music Pack)
2. BG Quests and Encounters
3. BG1 Unfinished Business

BG2 Mods:
1. Kelsey NPC
2. Angelo NPC
3. Auren NPC
4. Unfinished Business
5. Quest Pack
6. Banter Packs
7. Xan NPC
8. Crossmod Banter Pack (unsure if neccesary)
9. Alternatives
10. NPC Strongholds


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  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,507
    You can also follow the install order from the Big World Setup. The definition files for BG1EE and BG2EE are using a special format, but should be easy enough to understand.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    @argent77 I'm not sure I can read that. I'm not big on code. Is @subtledoctor right about the order? Will this order cause any major problems?

    Also, if I've started a new game, will the mods kick in at the right moments despite most of the game already being played through. (Example: I am at Tree of Life right now, will Alternatives kick in at Hell Trials or do I have to start over?)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,507
    BWS uses the following order:

    BG1EE: 2, 1, 3

    BG2EE: 7, 3, 2, 6, 1, 4, 9, 5, 8, 10

    It's strongly recommended (and sometimes required) to start a new game when installing new mods or you may encounter all kinds of strange bugs. If mods are specifically made only for ToB then it might work as long as you haven't started ToB yet.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Thank you, I also seem to have gotten the correct folder mixed up
    I went to properties-local files-browse game files-browse local files.

    I then couldn't figure out which folder to put the mods in so I went with my instinct and chose lang-en_us. This turned about to be false. I have no idea which folder to put these in, but thanks to you I do know which order to install them, so thank you. But my journey continues! This is like a boss battle, except instead of fighting Irenicus, I'm fighting my lack of knowledge about how files work.

    This was never a problem before I used the Steam versions, but the Steam versions were the only way I could get my Desktop to say Siege of Dragonspear wasn't a virus.

    Please help me figure out which folder I'm supposed to put these in.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,507
    Mods are always unpacked into the game's root folder where you can find the chitin.key file. For Steam the game folder can usually be found in "Steam\steamapps\common\".

    After unpacking the mod you should see a subfolder with all kinds of resources and an executable called setup-xyz.exe in the game's root folder (in some cases a setup-xyz.tp2 file as well).

    If you have BG1EE and SoD from Steam or GOG you have to download and run modmerge before installing any mods because these distributors install SoD in a way that is incompatible with mods.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Ok thanks then, that just about clears things up, I'll @ you if I run across any other problems.
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