What strength do I need to be able to open the tomb that contains the tome of strength

I have just been trying a solo Monk run and was wondering what strength I need to be able to open the tomb that contains the tome of strength. I have tried it with a potion of frost giant strength and casting draw upon holy might giving me a 23 strength, but still no joy.
It isn't explained how this relates to a lock's difficulty, but I suspect this may well be a 1:1 correspondence (i.e. a Force Lock skill of nn% enables you to bash a lock of the same nn% difficulty).
Incidentally, bashing a lock open gives no xp reward, unlike picking a lock open.
Edit: for your convenience, here's the skill table (from the manual) for Force Lock:-
STR Force Lock
3 or less 3%
4–5 4%
6–7 6%
8–9 8%
10–11 10%
12–13 12%
14–15 14%
16 16%
17 18%
18 20%
19 50%
20 55%
21 60%
22 65%
23 70%
24 75%
25 80%
On the other hand, lockpicking skill maxes out at 100%. An Open Lock skill of 100 can open every lock* which can be picked, so adding further points up to 255 is just wasting skill points. Of course there are some locks which aren't pickable at all, but they tell you so when you try.
* Actually there's one lock (in BG2ee:ToB) for which that's not true, but I suspect that's just a bug.
There's also a random roll involved in using the Open Locks skill - sometimes it fails to open a lock at first attempt, but may succeed if you keep trying. I think the random roll can make (up to) ±5% difference to the check against the lock's difficulty class, e.g. an Open Lock skill of 70 can potentially (with a lucky roll) pick a lock of difficulty up to 75, etc.
There's no random roll in the Force Lock skill - either it can open a particular lock, or it can't (i.e. re-trying will always produce the same result).
Edit: oh! Apparently there is a random roll even with Force Lock.
In BG2 I've always got a Thief with me, so I've never wasted time bashing locks, so I guess it may always have worked this way without me realising it. It was in BG1 that I sometimes needed to bash locks and established that it never worked like that ... I thought I had re-verified this since BG1ee came out, but maybe it was still back in original BG1 days that I last experimented with this.
Thanks for the correction, that's good to know. I'll go edit my earlier post.
According to bg wikia, within 5 points differences (lock difficulty is higher), lock picking success rate is 50%, it's 100% if lockpick skill is equal or higher.
well I thought it was relevant somewhat