I want to Buy Siege of Dragonspear as gift, but the beamdog store wont let me

Pretty much what the title says, someone I know owns BG:EE though the Beamdog store, they want the expansion pack, I want to give them the expansion pack. But because I don't own the base game on Beamdog (I've got a steam copy) the damm store won't let me buy Siege of Dragonspear, saying I need to buy BG:EE first, despite the fact that I'm trying to buy it as a gift.
Anyone know a way around this. I would just buy it them it on Steam but that only works if you own the base game on steam and they don't.
Anyone know a way around this. I would just buy it them it on Steam but that only works if you own the base game on steam and they don't.
You can console yourself with the thought that you'd be worse of if you bought the game on the Apple-Store (like I did)... I'd still be waiting for SoD, if I hadn't doubled my investment.
EDIT: Sorry, read to hastily over the title, don't know about gift purchases...