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High Saving Throws to overcome Claw of Kazargoth

Dear all,

I am trying to use the Claw of Kazargoth and still have very good saving throws. What items should he wear to not notice the -3 save vs death penalty? My character is a dual Fighter 7 Mage 8

I am thinking
Helm of Balduran
Cloak of Balduran
Ring of Protection +2
Claw of Kazargoth
Robe of the Good Archmagi

At this point all I have left is an amulet, boots, belt, and weapon slots. I don't know of an item that I could still use to boost saves.

Another source would be for a Cleric to cast chant and or for a druid to cast barks kind.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    A mage can boost their own saving throws - improved invisibility gives you a +4 bonus as well as other benefits and blur a further +1. There are also plenty of potions around that you can use (stone form, invulnerability, magic shielding).

    The Cloak of Displacement would improve your death saving throw slightly, but for a F/M I don't think that changing to that would normally be worth it.
  • billbiscobillbisco Member Posts: 364
    Wow! I did not realize that improved invisibility was that powerful! It will only last 8 rounds but is a very solid tanking spell!
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Unless you're soloing (and thereby lack choice), a F/M isn't necessarily the best place for the Claw.

    I favour the tactic of keeping my healer as safe as possible, since s/he's the one whom I need to come to the rescue when others are injured/poisoned/diseased/killed/whatever. Conveniently, Clerics (and Druids) have a naturally good Save vs. Death, so the Save vs. Death penalty of the Claw doesn't leave them quite so vulnerable as other classes. Therefore, I usually give the Claw to my Cleric (or Druid).

    The other class with a particularly good Save vs. Death is Monk, and in my current run I've got Rasaad with me, so he's currently wearing the Claw (but that's in BG2 ... I had my Cleric wearing it in BG1), and it's working very well for him.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Improved Invis is one of the very few buff spells I use.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    Unless you're soloing (and thereby lack choice), a F/M isn't necessarily the best place for the Claw.

    Indeed. I don't normally worry about the reduction in death saving roll in BG1 - the only drawback to that is more chance of being poisoned and you can avoid that by just not meleeing spiders etc. The main drawback I find to the Claw is the reduction in constitution. That will significantly reduce HPs on a F/M unless you have chosen to keep constitution low to start with. I think characters without the ability to benefit from high constitution are better suited to the Claw.
  • Max_WangMax_Wang Member Posts: 53
    does the cloak of the lich count? it doesnt raise your save but it has death ward or something.
  • Max_WangMax_Wang Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2016
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