Question on BGEE Gearing for my 4 party quest

PC - Cavalier 2h - Wielding Spider's Bane
Minsc - ** mace, ** 2-weapon, ** 2h sword, *2h sword style. Has 2h sword +1 and Stupefier +1, offhand +1.
Imonen - Dual Class Thief Mage, weilding shortbow and +2 longsword varsona.
Imoen is using +Robe of the Good Archmagi as well as some ring of protection, so her armor class is low.
Branwen - Weilding Thunderhammer
I have 2 pairs of gauntlets of weapon expertise and 1 pair of dex gauntlets. Who should be using what? Currently have minsc weilding stupefier and dex gauntlets for +3ac.
Should I use a different combination? Minsc will use the +2 2h potentially when PC gets +3.
Right now I have Branwen with the gauntets for +2 dmg and +1 thaco.
Also, I can get a 19 str belt. Who should I use that on and how do I get it?
Minsc - ** mace, ** 2-weapon, ** 2h sword, *2h sword style. Has 2h sword +1 and Stupefier +1, offhand +1.
Imonen - Dual Class Thief Mage, weilding shortbow and +2 longsword varsona.
Imoen is using +Robe of the Good Archmagi as well as some ring of protection, so her armor class is low.
Branwen - Weilding Thunderhammer
I have 2 pairs of gauntlets of weapon expertise and 1 pair of dex gauntlets. Who should be using what? Currently have minsc weilding stupefier and dex gauntlets for +3ac.
Should I use a different combination? Minsc will use the +2 2h potentially when PC gets +3.
Right now I have Branwen with the gauntets for +2 dmg and +1 thaco.
Also, I can get a 19 str belt. Who should I use that on and how do I get it?
Also, however, Branwen is quite good at range with a sling, if you want to keep her safely away from melee ... which can be a good tactic for your main buffer/healer. If your protagonist has good natural DEX (don't they always?
The Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise benefit each attack made, so there's more benefit-per-round when you have more attacks-per-round. Quite likely one pair is already on your protagonist, and that's probably a good place for them. The other pair, especially if you don't (yet) have the Bracers of Archery, will probably give more benefit on Imoen than Branwen, since she'll have 2 APR (with her shortbow) against Branwen's 1 APR (with either warhammer or sling). To get it, you'll need to recruit Rasaad and follow his quest (which doesn't start until Chapter 5 ... I'm not sure whether you've got that far yet). The Belt is found in the Temple in the new area (Cloud Peaks) which appears on your map after the second part of Rasaad's quest ... you'll come across it just before the final battle which completes his quest.
If your protagonist doesn't have 18/xx STR, then give the Belt to him/her for a dramatic increase in melee power. More likely, however, your protagonist already will have 18/xx STR, in which case the gain would be smaller (and of course Minsc also has high STR and therefore less to gain from the Belt). In this latter case, give the Belt to Branwen, because it'll turn her into a powerhouse both in melee and with her sling.
The Belt has the disadvantage that it'll prevent Branwen (or your protagonist) from using wands, but it's generally worth that sacrifice. If you really need to use a wand, then note that your Cavalier protagonist can use most of the same wands as Branwen, so whichever one has the Belt, the other can use the wand.
Here's the stats I managed to pull out with the tomes. Can't wait for BG2. Not sure if I should do Seige of Dragonspear.... hmm...
Yep - did that but am actually seeing a lot of lazy success just backstabbing with Varscona.
Decided to not go on the belt, didn't think it was worth the hassle, plus didn't want to give someone 6 int. That's less than minsc!
I've mainly been using haste / hold person and just whacking everything with all four characters. Any other thoughts or strategy? I am such a basic spellcaster, really only use spells for disables and buffs. Pretty basic haven't tried any cool/fun spell castings.
About to enter durlag's tower tomorrow, almost did a full playthrough, it's been a blast.
Generally, though, don't use Imoen in melee (if that's what you mean you're doing, I'm not clear), since she's not much good at it. Hold her back and let her use the shortbow, she's better with that and safer.
Of course, Imoen contributes most if you use her spell-casting power ... but yes, it takes a while to get the hang of all the stuff you can do with spells. (Don't worry, you don't have to do everything in your first run, that's what re-plays are for!) It's perfectly possible to win with a low-magic style, just hacking and slashing your way through most of the opposition. You've still got quite a lot to do, then. Durlag's Tower is a big multi-level dungeon (and great fun!)
The only thing you might be a bit short of for Durlags is trap detection/disarming and opening chests.
I dueled my swashbuckler charname to fighter at level 6 (and that was a mistake, forgot you had to get one level past the original class to regain skills so had to delay Durlags) and did find I needed to use potions on my current run.
He absorbed the damage quite nicely.