Pre-Order of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition *REDIRECT IF THIS HAS BEEN DONE*

Okay, so now Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is on target for a November 28th release. Before the game was supposed to be released in September, people who pre-ordered the game were going to be able to download the game early. My question is this, do you think people who pre-ordered will still get an early download? If so do you guys think this would differ by when you pre-ordered? Or do you think there will be just a single bonus included in the game on its standard release date for everyone that has pre-ordered.
I'm guessing that on Nov 28th, they'll say 'sorry, its not done yet, new release day in March 30th.
And no, I disagree that people should get to play it "in it's current form" just because you pre-ordered. People have a tendency to form and share opinions on games from the beta version, which is completely unfair. Beta is not intended to be the 'early access' which many developers have made it out to be, for marketing purposes in my opinion. From what I've read from BG:EE beta testers and developers, if people would of gotten their hands on the game on September 18th, the reviews wouldn't of been positive as many bugs still existed.
As for pre-load, Cam tweeted on the 26th of October, that they have began testing the pre-load. I would expect we are able to start pre-loading a week or so before release.